MM: They say that breaking up is . . . yeah, you know the rest.

Aug 22, 2010 21:00

It's been six days since Harmony left.

The break-up was an ugly scene with both of them shouting at each other, things Harry thought they'd moved past or didn't even know were problems at all; Harmony said she'd seen it coming for a while now, but Harry was fucking blindsided. They were both crying by the end, and the only thing Harry's ever seen Harmony cry over before was her sister.

So it's been six days, and though Perry had declared himself to be Switzerland ("I told Harmony this, Harry, and I'm telling you too, the first one of you who tries to make me take sides is the one who's gonna fucking lose, you got that?"), he's also been the one to stop in occasionally to make sure Harry hasn't killed himself by alcohol poisoning, and today he literally locked Harry in the bathroom until he took a shower; vacation's over, he says, time to go back to work.

When the bathroom door opens to let Harry out, though, it opens onto Milliways.

Bar won't give Harry a drink; instead she offers coffee and toast, with a fresh pack of cigarettes to mollify him. He lets it work, taking everything outside because there are too many people in here and he doesn't want to deal with any of it. There's a spot next to the lake, under a tree, set far enough away that he feels isolated, but not far enough for, say, demon rabbits to be a major issue. The sun is setting and the air is cool, and Harry sits under the tree with coffee in hand and tries not to think about anything in particular.

mixed muses, sherlock holmes, stratocaster

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