1. The bassoon has a rounder, more hollow sound than the oboe, creates a warmer sensation in its inclusion in some pieces, however, in the higher range has a voice that almost mimicks the human timbre and therefore gives way to a somewhat ethereal noise. Key tools to the composer, creation of a mood in basic sound before a melody is ever created.
2. The bassoon, as the base, keeps the other woodwinds in tune.
3. It is a proof of a musician's character, as it is more difficult to play than the oboe, and requires a great deal of training and effort in terms first of mouthwork and then of fingering that works the entire hand extensively. Not to mention the differences in tonguing inherant in the bassoon, which is closer to the flute than the oboe is, and more versatile in that respect.
4. In the orchestra of life, Oshitari-kun, I would choose you as the bassoon.
Because nothing says 'respectable' more than being well versed in tonguing, extensive fingering and mouthwork? Oh my~ I had no idea music lessons at Hyoutei were so interesting.
Tell me, do you teach all this 1-1 or is it all done in group sessions?
Re: Oh ho~ but I didmizuki_hJanuary 29 2011, 22:28:00 UTC
Oh for~ no. I'm aware of the stereotypes of Catholic education (which you seem to enjoy perpetuating given your comment about snake pits), but SeiRu is completely above that.
2. The bassoon, as the base, keeps the other woodwinds in tune.
3. It is a proof of a musician's character, as it is more difficult to play than the oboe, and requires a great deal of training and effort in terms first of mouthwork and then of fingering that works the entire hand extensively. Not to mention the differences in tonguing inherant in the bassoon, which is closer to the flute than the oboe is, and more versatile in that respect.
4. In the orchestra of life, Oshitari-kun, I would choose you as the bassoon.
Tell me, do you teach all this 1-1 or is it all done in group sessions?
I just want to learn the ways of the orchestra, and you're making fun of me. That's not very nice~
oh you used speech marks, how quaint!
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