so..uh...few things happened...I was reading some quotes..XD

Apr 29, 2005 12:25

"The mormons called for Steve." Ms. Givens school receptionist. Steve was my atheist roommatye who i had the mormons send a free bible too. aparently they wanted to schedule a chat with him... low and behold he actually took the book and smacked people over the head while screaming the power of christ compels you.~
Mrs. Buckley: Everyone in this classroom is free!
Keith: I'm not!
Mrs. Buckey: We're talking about rights, not how much you charge. ~
Are teacher saying she has never gotten mad at us
Some guy in the class: what about the time you called us fucking fags.
Mrs. Adams: I never said that you little shit~

My friend told me about this one.
Room gets suddenly quite then girl next to him strechts while wearing a white t-shirt and no bra
My friend: why dont you just show us those tits while your at it.
Teacher: yeah i was thinking the same thing now go to the office.~

Grade 11 -

Mr. Koladge - "Shut up you little dumb-shit! Get you're ass out of my room!"
Mr. Koladge - "...And that concludes the notes. Now tonight, go home and study for the test. Or if you're like me, just scan it into your brain with your pornographic memory..or whatever."
Mr. Koladge - "Now go home and study and re-read your notes. But if you're like Pedro here, you might have to re-write it in Spanish."

Pedro - "Hey now, Mr. Koladge, you're being racist are you?"

Mr. Koladge - "Pedro, Of course I'm racist......Oh... and don't worry Tyrell, (African American Student) I'm only racist towards Latinos."

< Man, what people can get away with once they've been in the school system for as long as he has. >
( XD!! )
~"hey mr.Wolfe, what will it take to get you to say bitchmonkey?"
"will you please leave if i do?"
"fine, Bitchmonkey now go home!"

lol mr.wofle my gr.8 history teacher

My calc teacher: "They're as useless as....tits on a bull."
Me: "I thought it was balls on a priest."
Teacher: "Well, they've been using them lately."
Neuroscience teacher explaining cones in eyes to show color and movement " if a LIGER is coming at you, you're not going to notice exquisite details on its fur. You are going to see a large reddish brown animal with big fucking teeth."
"the average penis size is 6 inches, and anything up is above average. You have average size, above average size, and then you have Mr. Donnelly size (brings out yard stick)
-Mr Donnelly, family life teacher 9th grade.
Teacher - "One day i had this class that would copy just about anything i wrote on the board, so one day i wrote "and then the teddy bears had a picnic on the board" and only one girl noticed that something was wrong"

Class - "What did she say"

Teacher - "Sir, you've spelt bear wrong"


My Mate - "isn't that the teacher who got fired from appleton (nearby school) for keeping a load of porn in his desk"

The Teacher (Hearing) - "No, i was on my laptop"


Teacher - "So what company made you lot of idiots then?:

Me - "I dunno, but its propably the one that put your mom outa buisness"
"Now you just add the sulphuric acid to the mixture... or was it... EVERYBODY OUT NOW!"
-Mr Bennett chemistry teacher

Friend asleep
teacher "wakey wakey"
friend mumbles: "hands off snakey"
english class 10th grade

"A battery is like a vacuum cleaner it sucks in one end and blows the other, guess it could be like your girlfriend to..."
-Physics teacher just before retiring in my final year... ~~~
In reply to scx172, #206:

In biology we had an assignment about genetic diseases. The diseases were assigned randomly.

Later that day, one of the girls in that class walked up to the teacher while he was talking to the principal and exclaimed, "Mr. Rysewyk, I don't like the disease you gave me!"

~~In reply to Tiffany, #1:

After a friend of mine started screaming "Rape! Rape!" Mr. Kurtz(Criminal Justice) replied, "Take what you can get, John."
me: excuse me, mr. doherty, can i goto the bathroom?
teach'okok, write it on a piece of paper, put it in the box*, and i'll give you the answer by...thursday maybe"
Mr. McMartin 8th Grade Social Studies (History) teacher.

American Civil War (Or something similar around that era, is many years past)

The Question:
"What were the Canadians doing during all this?" - Billy (I can't remember the right name, billy works pretty well)

The Answer (The Quote):
"Oh they're just running around up north chasing beaver." (then there was a silence.. followed by not silence)

"Hey Jim, what do you mean you've never seen the barcode at the base of a condom? Not rollin it down far enough?"
my electronics teacher

XDXDXD...ok..that's enough....funny with Gen about a problem..and I'm thinking I'm on the verge of a solution..then again..who knows..I'm probably not..uh..yeah...more later.
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