Week 23

Dec 16, 2009 18:17

I should really get around to posting more frequently. I swear I am constantly writing out journal entries in my head all the time but never get around to actually typing them out. I am recording things in a sweet baby book that we have though. We're in week 23 now with 117 days to go until the actual due date. Had a check up last week and everything's looking great. Baby Willis loves to move around, kick, do somersault--all sorts. It is such an incredible, amazing feeling! My only gripe about being pregnant right now is having to pee all the time!! And I know it will only get worse but a small price to pay. Foodwise I am not craving anything bizarre--I think that's a myth made for sitcoms!

Matt and I spent a big chunk of time last Saturday at Target and Babies R Us. We were both so completely overwhelmed with the amount of choices and items they have. Not exactly sure the first thing I should be thinking about when looking at a bouncer or a baby swing. I definitely want comfort and ease over 'cute' because I know Baby Willis is not going to care if we have lions or soccer balls. I don't want to become one of those moms! We went around with scan gun like crazy and added whatever we thought would be good. I had the rest of the weekend to digest and read reviews and alter the list. We have a loose nursery theme now though and my friend is giving me hand-me-downs from her baby boy so I won't have to worry about the day to day wear!

I talked to a couple friends who are new moms on Monday and turns out most of the stuff on my list was spot on brand wise/ease of use wise in their opinion. Trying to figure out my registry now since my sister and best childhood friend, Desi(as in Desiree) are sending out invites in January for a baby shower in early February. Desi and I were neighbors until I was about 12 and then she moved away. We lost touch for a few years, well more than that and once Facebook came around I would do an exhaustive search every few weeks looking for her. She changed her last name so it was a challenge and I guess never registered her maiden one. Anyway we got back in touch before my wedding and she was able to come which was so great. She is adament on throwing this shower with my sister. So, I'm going to have 2 baby showers next year! One thrown by my sister and friend as I just mentioned, with all my girlfriends--about 20 of us. And my parents want to throw us a couples shower with a traditional Indian ceremony (all I know is there's a coconut involved somewhere) and Indian food I'm sure. I'm totally looking forward to them! A couple months away but time is going fast. Going to happen right before my 29th birthday! The hardest part for me will be not meddling with the party planning because I love hosting and planning lol. Maybe they'll let me help with the handmade invites! ;)

Matt's friend Colleen who is also a Financial Specialist is tired of banking and is considering becoming a firefighter. She's enrolling for an EMT course in January. At our most recent get together, she was telling us all about it and Matt said he would love to take the course too. She suggested them taking it together--so now Matt has enrolled in the course as well. I'm really excited for him. It's going to be time consuming, 2 weekdays after work and all day Sunday but it will be a great skill to have. Plus I told him if we end up in Saved By The Bell moment where I have to deliver in an elevator, he'll be able to help lol. And something I wasn't even thinking about, it will be quite good given my dad's health in case of an emergency.
If I wasn't pregnant right now, I'd consider taking the course as well. I'm glad they will be going through it together. They did the banking training together and it was nice to have someone share the pain of studying and test taking.

My family is doing great. My mom is always in a good mood now. I have drummed it down to her work situation. She has a permanent classroom, she likes who she works with, she actually took a step down and instead of being the boss, has a boss--which is easier for her. She's always terrified of red tape and consequence when she has to manage people (mainly due to her previous workplace). My dad is going through dialysis, he hates some days and gets cranky but overall I am so proud of him. He is on the kidney transplant list now. My sister is going to check to see if she is a match. I am not and my mom is not a candidate since she has diabetes. I hope he gets one soon. His friend got one after 16 months on the waiting list. In the grand scheme of things, awful but not as bad as we've heard--5-7 years. It gives him some hope anyway.
Imagine a low phosphate, low sodium, no to low potassium, diabetic diet. I have learned A LOT about food these past few months. He has become really self sufficient these days too. He cooks for himself, cleans up after himself, it's great. At first my mom had a hard time dealing with it since she's old fashioned and considers her main role to be cooking and cleaning for her husband but I think she's slowly learning to enjoy the free time. And she also understands it is therapy for him to do these kinds of things. My dad is also old fashioned at heart and I think not being the man of the house is a hard thing for him to grasp. We try to do little things to make him feel like he has more power. Silly but it makes him feel good.

Feel like I have barely seen Matt this week. Yesterday he went to Nick's house to have guy time. Today he's going out with our friends to see Mystery Science Theatre something in the cinema. I was invited but am passing because it sounds BORING. Tomorrow he has a work dinner but I think it's just work people.

Speaking of which I had my work Christmas party on Saturday and it was so much fun. We did a potluck and had about 25-30 families show up. The food was amazing, so perfect for a pregnant person lol. We also did a white elephant gift exchange. Tons of fun. Our CEO was raised in London and a big Arsenal fan so him and Matt got on quite well. I am so, so grateful for this job. I love every aspect of it. And come 2010 I will be exclusively be working from home since they're running out of real estate at work. Love it! I am a homebody by nature so this works out wonderfully, not to mention the impending getting big and uncomfortable! Can't wait though!

Think I can probably yammer on for 10 more paragraphs but I should really finish knitting scarves for my parents before Christmas this year! Also starting a baby blanket in powder blue and white. Will have to post a picture when I am through...or if I should say. I'm really good at halfway projects lol.
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