Jan 28, 2013 08:14
Eric's grandmother will be going home soon. Sometime this week, if I'm correct.
She's taken a turn for the better, which is wonderful news. We were pretty worried she was down to a matter of weeks, if even that. She does seem a little concerned about coming home and being alone, but she only lives less than half a block down the road from Eric's folks, she'll be fine.
And other news... the outdoor cat, Stubs, may soon becoming an indoor cat. She's always jumping up on the front porch window, wanting to come in, so yesterday Eric's folks let her in. *insert massive eye roll here* She curled up and fell asleep for two hours on the daybed and made a lot of growlie noises at being put back outside. She doesn't like other cats, so the three indoor gals (all of which are over 10 years old) are probably in for a rude awakening. I at least hope they wait until Gabby passes before making Stubs an indoor cat. The poor old thing is dying of feline leukemia... she's wasting away to skin and bones... that, and she's 19 years old. Give her some peace in her remaining days! Not so sure Abby and Ellie deserve a rambunctious young, cat hating, cat putting them in their place either. Although that would be funny to see.
It's hilarious for Eric and I, because Eric's folks keep insisting that the three remaining girls are IT for the indoor cats. NO MORE. Then along came Stubs and their good nature to make sure she was comfortable after she decided to move into their garage earned them yet another fuzz-butt to care for. And just like Ghost, she wants in the house... which means... yup. The girls are in trouble. I foresee many more years of kitties in that house, long after all three of the current kids have passed on.