Apr 10, 2006 05:06
Since I don't know how to lj cut, I'm advising now. This is my most proud puke I've ever had. I'm going to be rather explicit. So continue on your own risk.
It was innocent. Not really heavy drinking Just downed one of those 'Sparks' things. It was an orange one, too. How I know it was orange...well I guess I revealed that much already. Its like an energy drink, but mixed with booze. I didn't really think...I was thirsty. And it was cheaper than buying a Monster. So down it went, in about an hour. Those things are about monster sized, too...finished it by the end of Mind of Mencia. So I come in to my room, get horribly tired, and fall asleep with Narnia playing. I wake up, feeling noxious, set the narnia on commentary, then drift off to sleep. About 4:30 or so, I wkae back up, feeling horrible. Couldn't stop burping or farting. After awhile, the farts become less and less gaseous. I should have noticed the trouble then. I compose myself, come back to my room, and start talking to Laurel about this looser she's been doing. I do make a few trips to the bathroom, taking a sit on the john, goin' at it.Then, Icome back, chat with Laurel a bit more, then my gAIM goes down. That's like a warning from god. I start to feel a bit more noxious, head back to the toliet, and sit.I burp...then proceed to dry heave a couple of times until I unload the contents of my stomach on to the floor. Honestly, I though I got those mushrooms off the pizza fully chewed up...but I guess not. Of course, I did clean it up...I dealt it, after all. Then I realize a quote that I heard from someone..."You're not really 21 until you puke from booze."
Well, I'm official now.