Feb 22, 2005 23:44
Hellooooo. I have some good news. I'm actually in a good mood. I quit AmeriCorps, so I actually have time to do homework and spend some time with sierra. Woo+. Also my dad was super cool and loaned me his truck for this last week when I don't have a car. I'm gonna have to scrape for gas money, but ooooooooh well. So on the way back from Arcata tonight and this big ass chevy, prolly a 327 or something around that, pulls up next to me and I hit the gas and do all the fancy clutch crap, and I kill him. Well on the second stop sign, he figured out what was going on, so he tried. He started to pass me a little, but just as his right front wheel is by my bumper I start pulling ahead, and it went like that at every stop sign, until the last straight before the stop light. I slowed down after I beat him cause I didn't want to speed, because I'm sure our shinanigans had attracted somebodies attention. so I slow down and I hear this loud "bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOoooooowwwwwww....." (Doppler effect) and he pulls up to the stoplight to turn left and I'm turning right, and he holds up the peace sign so I flash it back. It was a good night. Life is fun. I love you sierra.