It's me, Picasso.

Apr 18, 2005 21:40

I'm going to post aaaaall about the trip tomorrow morning since we don't have to go to school 'til 11:30, but for now I, being lazy, shall just post this little survey thingy. I haven't had a voice all day. Seriously considered going home in 1st period, but pulled through and ended up having an alright day. Still, my sinuses are all clogged, I have a runny nose, a sore throat, and callouses on my feet. Had to go to dance early today because of a mandatory tap practice, which makes me angry, but we had to do it or we wouldn't be able to compete at Sophisticated.

WHEN YOU LEAVE, MY COLORS FADE TO GRAAAAAAAY. *gets out some glowsticks and raves*

T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . .
- they call me: Bond. JAMES Bond.
- Birthplace: Carrolton, Texas.
- B-day Month: J00-lie.
- Current Location: Home.
- Eye color: EVERYTHING. Noshit. (Have you ever noticed how people always try to make their eyes sound unique and special (and yes, I'm guilty of it too), even if they're the same as 4/5ths of the Earth's population? For example, "Well, they're MAHOGANY, creamy, chocolate colored, but they're BURNT UMBER when I stare into bright lights and JET BLACK when all the lights are off!" Heheh, it's annoying.)
- Hair color: Medium brown with natural highlights.
- Height: 5'3"ish.
- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
- Zodiac sign: Leo.
- Shoes you wore today: Black & purple Newbalances.
- Your weakness: Don't think before I act, have no organization skillz, ADHD.
- Your strengths: Forgiveness when everyone else is to much of a goddamned adolescent to take care of their own actions.
- Your fears: Men, love, large empty bodies of water.
- Your perfect pizza: Cheese, pepperoni, and shrooms.
- Your thoughts first waking up: WTF IS THAT BEEPING. *snore*
- Your bedtime: 12:00-1:00.
- Your most missed memory: Childhood.
- Pepsi or coke: Coke.
- McDonald's or Burger King: Neither, I would starve if those were my only choices.
- Single or Group dates: Single, group dates are supremely akward.
- Best friend: I don't beleive in "best friends". I have friends, and none of them are above the others.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None.
- Adidas or Nike: Adidas, I like the purty stripes.
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: No opinion, as long as it's tea.
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
- Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappucino, I guess.
- Smoke: No.
- Cuss: When need be.
- Sing: A loooooot.
- Have a crush: Indeed.
- Do you think you've been in love: No.
- Want to go to college: Duh.
- Where: North Texas I guess, haven't really looked into it. Somewhere with good art and theatre programs.
-like school: It's just an ordinary part of my life.
- Want to get married: I suppose.
- Believe in yourself: How broad.
- motion sickness: No, I love fast things.
- Think you're attractive: No. I am always a critic and perfectionist, and since I'm not perfect I have the self-esteem of a peanut.
- Think you're a health freak: Hah, like I'm the 21st Parliament member of Great Britain.
- Get along with your parent(s): To some degree.
- Like thunderstorms: Only if all my files are saved.
- Play an instrument: Flute & limited amounts of random things.
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: Japan, Italy (going this fall, yayayah!), Australia.

I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol: No.
- Smoked: No.
- Done a drug: No.
- Had sex: Mo. (I'm not changing that typo. xP)
- Gone to the mall: I think?
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, hate oreos.
- Eaten sushi: Ew.
- Made homemade cookies: Yes.
- Gone skinnydipping: No.
- Dyed your hair: No.
- Stolen anything: No.

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
- Been caught, you know: No.
- Been called a tease: No.
- Gotten beaten up: No.
- Shoplifted: No.
- Changed who you were to fit in: Unfortunately.
- Age you hope to be married: Mid-late twenties.
- Described your dream wedding: At Stonehenge, with beautiful white drapings everywhere and bells and birds and men in kilts.
- Thought about how you want to die: Not... really...

G u y | s t u f f . . .
- Best eye color: Green, blue, gray.
- Best hair color: Frosted blonde, two-tone, black.
- Short or long hair: Depends on the face & body shape of the guy. I'm partial to short (can't STAND it when guys have untrimmed hair that goes past the napes of their necks), but shaggy with overgrown, sideswept bangs.
- Height: Slightly taller than yours truly.
- Best first kiss location: On the wall of the theatre he just finished performing in.

I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .
# of drugs taken illegally: Ze-ro.
# of people I could trust with my life: None.
# of CDs that i own: 32, I counted. x3
# of piercings: Ears.
# of tattoos: Les nons.
# of scars on my body: Tooooo many. I'll count. ...*40 billion hours later* ...11 scars. D:

S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What kind of shampoo do you use? Regis.
- What are you most scared of? ALREADY ANSWERED.
- What are you listening to right now? Right as I went to answer this question, somebody randomly blew an airhorn next door.
- Who is the last person that called you? Mother-dear.
- What would you change about yourself? Make my lips more proportional to my horridly buggy eyes, make my hair smoother, make my personality stronger and more endearing, develop some listening & organization skills.

F a v o r i t e . . .
- Colours: Anything purply, blue, and green.
- Food: Shrooms, pizza, and cheeseburgers.
- Boy's name(s): Justin~
- Girl's name(s): Respirator~! *just read that off the back of her surgeon's fume-protection mask*
- Subject(s) in school: Theatre, English.
- Animal(s): Birdies, kitties, puppies, bunnies, GODDAMMIT STOP BLOWING THAT FUCKING AIRHORN, unicorns, ferrets, weasels, horsies.
- Sport(s): Don't matter.

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath? My dogs.
- Got high? No.
- Bungee jumped? Kind of.
- Made yourself throw up? No.
- Skinny dipped? Nuuu.
- Been in love? GOH AWAY, LOVE-MAN.
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Eheheheheh.
- Pictured your crush naked? No, I find the naked human body to be /highly/ unappealing. {I agree with Deshi on this one. All that nasty, nasty hair!}
- Actually seen your crush naked? Half-naked!
- Cried when someone died? No, because they were just lions turning into grass and since I'm an antelope I eat that grass so hey, less predators and more food for me yeahyeah.
- Lied? Never.
- Fallen for your best friend? No.
- Been rejected? In what way, dammit?! Stop being so vague!
- Rejected someone? Unfortunately.
- Used someone? Not purposely.
- Done something you regret? OMGNAH.

R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: Orange "Leo" shirt, too-tight dark glo jeans, orange hair band on wrist, studded collar. If YoUz WaNnA nO aBoUt Da PeRsOnAl 5TuFf, iM mE LoLoLoL1@!!oen1!1!!1!
- Music you're listening to: My "Dance Dance Revolver" playlist on iTunes. Hahah, don't ask, I was high on tea when I made that title.
- Time where you are: 6:30pm
- Annoyance: Don't want to go to dance. I LIKE MY SOCIAL LIFE.
- Favourite artist: Van Gogh. *purposely avoiding question*
- Favourite Group: O-zone. YAY MOLDOVA.
- Current Desktop picture: A Vash wallpaper that makes me want to cry because one of the pictures is from a REALLY SAD PART and he's all crying and and and WAH. *sniffle*
- Book you're reading: Joy Luck Club, Kaffir Boy, Magic's Pawn (which is a very interesting gay love story indeed).
- CD in the player: A burned CD I made that says "YAY." on the front in my illegible scrawl.
- DVD in the player: Like, 20 different things.

L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: Amber & Kim.
- Hugged: Amber, Kim, Connor, Sarah, Katie, everybody on the earth.
- IM'd: Kim, I think.
- Yelled at: Mom, about me having no organization.
- Felt sorry for: Myself and Amber for having NO voice whatsoever.
- Missed terribly: Daddy, on the trip.
- Felt loved by: My friends.
- Spoke to: Mom.
- Cried to: Don't remember.
- Cried over: View above answer.

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Kill: Myself! 8D
- Slap: Katie. D< Silly ho.
- Get really wasted with: These drug questions are ANNOYING. For the last time. I. AM. DRUG. FREE.
- Get high with: ...*spontaneously combusts*
- Look like: Somebody... with...two... arms....
- Talk to face to face: Darkie. *giggle*
- Talk to indirectly to(on the phone, online etc.): Pooh Bear. WINNE the Pooh Bear.

R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning I look like: An angry lion.
- All I need is: A pencil.
- Love is: A meaningless verb/noun.
- Flowers or candy: What KINDS of flars & candy? Because, quite frankly, I would prefer a dozen roses over a dozen bars of chocolate, but I'd rather have a sack of skittles than a sack of carnations (do those even COME in sacks?).

Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . .
- I know: That I need to brush my teeth.
- I want: You.
- I have: CURLY HAIR. *points at Amber and guffaws uncontrollably*
- I hate: When I lose things.
- I fear: Answering more of these questions. :o
- I hear: O-zone. Lovely, blissful, english-translated O-zoney goodness.
- I just: Wanna have fu-un~! Ye-ah, girls! Just wanna have FU-UN!
- I wonder: Why they sell Tylenol Sinus when it DOESN'T WORK.2shfjglhs1!~
- I regret: Going to school today when I was so sick. D:
- I'm hurt: INSIDE MY LUNGS.
- I like: Boiz and foreign languages.
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