Title: You Promised Me You Wouldn’t Change.
inv2 Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13… might go up...
Chapter: 1/??
Bands: Gazette
Pairings: Aoi x Uruha, Reita x Ruki, [more pairings in future chapters]
Disclaimer: Don't own them. =[
Comments: This is my first time posting here…
I can’t believe I’m here.
In this stupid place they call a school.
It doesn’t even look like a school.
It looks like hell.
Montorri High School.
I hate this place.
I wasn’t supposed to be here.
If only I hadn’t failed in two of my classes in my old school.
Social Studies and Mathematics.
What the-
“Are you new here?”
I turned around and saw a guy the same height as me, he had blonde hair and a piece of cloth around his nose. I nodded my head and glanced at the admission paper that I had in my hand.
“Class A - 4?”
“Uh… Yeah. How did you know?”
“I didn’t. I just thought that maybe we’re in the same class, and we are.”
He smiled at me and motioned me to follow him. Maybe this guy was an old student, since the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a classroom full of lively students chatting and laughing loud.
“Hey! Over here!”
I glanced at the back of the classroom and saw him standing behind two empty seats. This was weird. Why was he being nice to me?
“I do have a name you know.”
“Well. What is it then?”
“Yuu Shiroyama.”
“What a nerdy name. Well at least you don’t look like one.”
I glared at the guy. I didn’t even bother asking his name. It would be a waste of time.
“My names Akira Suzuki but call me Reita ok?”
“And you said my name was nerdy.”
He grinned and patted my back. I sat down beside him and watched the other students.
“But not as nerdy as yours.”
Who the fuck does he think he is? Saying my name was nerdy? He continued to talk about things that I didn’t care about. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him.
“- And he said that it wasn’t his fault! Can you believe that?”
“Why are you sitting with me? Don’t you want to hang out with your friends?”
The blonde laughed and patted my back. Again. I stared at him like he was crazy.
“I don’t have friends here. I’m new, just like you.”
Oh. So that’s why. I nodded my head slowly.
“Oh. By the way you can call me Aoi.”
I didn’t get the chance to talk to him since the teacher entered the classroom.
This was a very nice way to start a new school year. Making friends with a guy that had a cloth wrapped around his nose.
-=this fic is... on hiatus=-
other works