I 'spose I should update this damn thing lol. My summer has been pretty good. Its been raining a lot here though. I've actually been getting outside and doing things. I really don't want to go to school in august blah. Oh well Its my last year finally! Im so excited! Ive been getting my tan on a little bit. Lol ive been playing video games and drawing and hanging out with my friends. Its kind of hard to capture a few months into one thing. Hopefully Ill write more often so Im not trying to remember so much. Ive ben hangin around my boyfriends house a lot. lol we dont do much but sit around and play games and watch movies. occassionaly we'll go out and do something. One of us needs to get our license. Blah I really don't have much to say lol. Geuss Ill have to write tomorrow when I have something to write about.