
Sep 09, 2010 01:33

Hi, new here to the community (and to LJ overall) but here's something I wrote, you've probably read hundreds of these by now so I'm bassically spamming in a way...

Title: "No you won't"
Author: Inuyoukai-san
Characters: Canada and Netherlands (slight mention of Belgium)
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Use of human names, Canada swears in french alot, WWII, historical innacuracies, like probably lots of them.
Notes: Actually this has been an idea buzzing in my head before there was a character sketch FOR the netherlands, I thought he would be a she...<.< So yeah, and it was supposed to be a doujin which is why a lot of the scene I find don't make a very much sense. But it was supposed to be a short doujin so this is just a drabble.

Summary: Netherlands finds himself dying, but one nation won't let him.

The sound of the whistle came to fast, the shell exploded right in front of Netherland. The flash blinded him as he felt his body propel backwards. His men’s body parts flew everywhere, but miraculously or expectedly, he remained in one piece.

The next thing he knew he was looking up into the grey skies. Clouds covered every inch of it; it was so dark that he couldn’t tell if it was night or day anymore.

His body felt numb, and darkness started to appear by dots in his vision. He couldn’t recall ever being this badly wounded. The starvation and exhaustion of his people and the war on the land has taken its toll. Germany had won…At least against him, by the feel of it.
He was dying.

Well thankfully he died fighting; at least he can’t say he didn’t have a decent run. Germany’s occupation didn’t come easily, he helped in the war, and people will remember him. That was always a comfort. He was proud to die aside his people, Lars’ only regret would be not properly apologizing to his sister for whatever new reason she was mad at him…

So this is the end…

But it wasn’t. As he started to close his eyes a golden sight appeared, it had a face and seemed to be yelling at him. A deep feeling something foreign resounded within the Netherlands, as if the land had started to breathe again. He didn’t understand why or how...but the realization hit. He was going to live.

“Get up!”

The voice yelled, it continued to yell as Netherland’s vision began to readjust to the world. At first the only thing he could notice was the boy’s hair. It was gold like sunshine, slowly the shape of his face and body started to focus, a heart shaped face that held amazing eyes. Round and big glaring determinedly at him, they yelled out to him form the deep indigo pools, behind wired rimmed glasses.

“Don’t you dare die on me you bastard! Fucking wake up!”

Lars wanted to retort back that he was awake, that he could hear the other nation, he was absolutely certain the boy was a nation he could just feel it, and especially not call him a bastard. But before he could do or say anything the other nation yelled at him again.

“Je vais t’en chrisse un si tu ne réveilles pas! D’estie de salaud!"

Lars wouldn’t know what to reply to that, he knew it was French because he could speak it fluently, it was just that the boy’s French sounded strange to the Dutchman. So he did what he could do. Groan.

The effort to make that single grunt was worth it. The boy’s face completely changed the glare broke as the ridges of his eyebrows separated and his teeth was shown, pearly white against his dirty and beat up skin, followed with a dimple on his cheek as his smile stretched across his face and reached his ears.

Netherland blinked as he found it easier to move just by seeing that expression, as if that face had the power to chase away all of his, the country’s, pain.

Suddenly two paramedics appeared, they started tending to him. But Lars found himself lucky enough to still be able to look at the mysterious stranger and that he was willing to stay with him longer.

“Princess Magriet is absolutely beautiful. You’ll be happy to be around to see her.”

Netherland’s breath hitched, he realized then who this boy was. The queen is seeking refuge at his house over the Atlantic… Not with the neutral United States, but who again…? The two men then began to hoist him up onto the stretcher. The other nation was standing beside him. He hissed with pain but then suddenly found a warm hand on his own. The comfort of it surprised him.

His eyes met with violet-indigo’s, he was smiling gently. “You don’t need to worry; you and your people are safe with me.”

Lars knew what the boy said was true, he was already feeling better, less hungry for one, and relief kept flooding him as if all the Germans were suddenly being pushed out of every city within his borders.

The grip of the warm hand loosened. And the boy exchanged quick words with his men. But Lars wasn’t done speaking with him. Hell! He hadn’t even spoken to him yet! Finding a new sourge of strength he grabbed the blond’s arm.

“What…Is your name?”

Their eyes locked with each other. It was obvious that the nation didn’t like to be grabbed, but he met with Lars stare head on. He watched with slight interest the determination with Netherland’s eyes.


Netherlands’ grip on Canada’s arm loosened slightly, he relaxed back into the stretcher. He half closed his eyes, as exhaustion was starting to take over his consciousness.

“Canada…I’ll remember that.”

His voice was coarse but Matthew understood what he said, the last thing that Lars saw as he drifted off into sleep was a sad little smile on the Canadian’s face.

The paramedics walked off to take the wounded nation to the infirmary. Canada stood where he was left, he looked at the land around him and tried to imagine the beauty of it before this war happened.

It was rather dark now; the sun’s light had almost completely faded over the horizon, its orange colour giving the Canadian a strange sense of hope as well as melancholy. A small light ignited in between his hands as he lit his first cigarette of the day. Breathing in deeply he watched in his mind’s eye Netherlands telling him that he would remember. Breathing out the smoke he decided to screw it, crushing the butt underneath his boots, he chuckled bitterly to himself and to the nation who was no longer there.

“No you won’t.”

And then Canada turned towards the sounds of war in the distance, picking up his discarded riffle, he weighed it over his shoulders as he made his way across no man’s land. He still had something he needed to do.


So yeah that's the end, of course Lars did remember him and then this cute couple prospered for the rest of eternity~ XD

Please feel free to leave me a comment tellimg me what you thought be it good or bad, I'm up for criticsim! (I need some tips actually)

I'm happy I posted something for this community though!


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