Before I go on

Jan 24, 2009 23:35

Ok guys, before I go back to my usual fan-ish squealings about this, that and the other, I wanna get something straight.

I don't talk politics in my journal much--probably because I've never found a politician who reflected my views 100% and I probably never will--no, not even Obama. Whole other story though. What I want to clarify is this:

I am of a fairly Liberal perspective (though the quiz names me as a left-leaning Libertarian).I am Pro-choice, Pro-gay rights, Pro-environment, etc. If this is at any point going to be a problem with you, please comment on whether or not you wish to be defriended.

What does this mean? Not much. I don't talk a lot of politics--but twice now, it has happened that my personal views were found to be disagreeable with certain people to the point they determined we can no longer be friends.

This does not mean that if you are not liberal, I don't want to be your friend. One thing that will always stand, in any debate with me, is that if you can be respectful despite disagreeing with me, you are welcome here. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Anarchist, Goat, whatev--as long as you mind your manners, you're cool with me.

Now, if you happen to believe that a person is less deserving of the same rights as everyone else based on their race, gender, or sexual preference or some other trait that is beyond anyone's control--yeah, you might wanna move on from me. As far as I know though, none of you are like that, so...

The reason for this post is that because I rarely talk politics and other 'taboo' subjects, I don't want my personal beliefs to be an ugly surprise for any unsuspecting, potential friends should it come up in conversation later. We can just go our separate ways now without growing too attached to each other, thus sparing us both some of the heartache.

This is not a post for drama, or debate, or some unholy combination of the two. This is just a fair warning for my flist--'I'm a Dirty Liberal, guyz--this cool with you?'.


hai gaiz, politics. lol

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