Being inspired by a Baltimore Spark member, Matt and I headed out to ride the Western Maryland Rail Trail on Memorial Day. We biked almost to mile 22 before we noticed the weather was shifting and decided to -ha- turn around and head back :D We got caught in the rain for the last 8 miles, but it wasn't so bad - if I hadn't had had my 2 digital cameras with me, I would have been ecstatic about it LOL
Anyway, it was 43 MILES of biking on one of the most AMAZINGLY beautiful trails I have ever had the pleasure of being on.
I am a geology dork so I had to hop off my bike and take pictures of the textbook perfect examples of flood superposition /sedimentation as well as wave patterns! I have to go back with a scaler object so I can take better pictures :D It was just such a great surprise to see !
Among the rock formations we found lots of snakes! I think they were Black Racers because the larger ones were solid black on top with white bellies, and the smaller ones we saw were dark with a mottled pattern :D
We also saw many dung beetles, and to my complete and utter JOY, a pair rolling a dung ball across the path!!!
I am a dork, but these little things MADE my day :D
only downside - OMG THE MOSQUITOES !!!! they could have been from a sci - fi horror flick the swarms were so expansive! Stopping to snap a pic or take swig of water was like open season for our blood! * NOTE TO SELF next time bring massive supply of bug repellent!!! haha
I think we will go back again within the next two weeks, I want to start from the other end and spend a bit of time in Hancock - get lunch, window shop and so on :D
What a great trail :D and what an amazing feeling, biking 43 miles in 5 hours (picture taking lol) and NOT being in pain (ok, other than my butt! lol) the next day!