May 2008

Jul 04, 2011 19:52

Title:How It Could Have Been; ch 76, Growing Awareness
Summary:Fully fledged adolescent.
Quote:"Never! No-one will serve a man who has sold his soul to the demons!" - Onimusha 2

Growing Awareness

The Lady watched as her eldest two sons walked together towards the wooded part of the estate. The eldest was dressed almost exclusively in white after the fashion of his father; it had been most impractical while he grew up, although it wasn’t quite so bad now he was older. But then she mused, Sesshoumaru had always been a ‘Daddy’s boy’ when younger and even now Papa was his hero and probably always would be; even when the pup would try to defeat him one day.

The other boy was as much a hero worshipper as his older brother but it was Sesshoumaru who was the main object of Inuyasha’s regard, even though he too adored his father. The younger boy was clad throughout in the bright red of his father’s firerat; the top had been made into kimono to fit the baby. Among its extensive armouring properties, it had others that allowed it to grow and self repair with the boy, being as it was fed by the pup’s own youki. Inuyasha had nearly always worn it on visits to his family in the past, but now it was almost never off him.

Inu no Taishou had insisted that Inuyasha wear it whenever he went outside of the immediate Palace grounds and as the pup had grown, he had taken to wandering for hours into the forests and fields of the Western Lands. Sometimes Inuyasha just ran, sometimes he leapt into the trees, but he was always accompanied by Shinju and his personal guard who discreetly followed him. Inuyasha still had boundaries not to pass, but the pair could often be seen in the air with the pup sitting astride the transformed youkai bitch; like all creatures of nature he needed the freedom of space.

The Lady marvelled at the differences between children; all of her blood offspring, even though individual in personality, were far calmer and more sedate than her half human son. Her full youkai pups were energetic enough, but in a more channelled way, preferring the dojo exercises, sparring or swimming and in Michiko’s case complicated dance and gymnastics. These things though bored Inuyasha who was a far more spontaneous and emotional pup; therefore he seemed to live in his protective outfit so that if the mood to run and break free took him, he didn’t have to go and change his clothes.

The Lady smiled, remembering how often the halls of the Palace rang out with Inuyasha’s name in exasperation as people fell prey to some of his tricks. In fact if she didn’t know better, she could have sworn the pup had kitsune blood, and laughed aloud as she put two and two together; Inuyasha was often seen with Susumu when the ambassador was visiting. Not only that, despite his resistance to being treated as a little boy, the pup was known to still use his baby face to his own advantage. It was easy to see that he would be very handsome when grown, even though she knew sadly that many wouldn’t see past the fact he was hanyou.

Going by his hands and feet, he would add a few more inches yet to his height, although he wouldn’t reach the same size as a full blooded Inuyoukai male. His ears too were still engagingly large in proportion to his head, indicating that he was not yet fully grown; but at least his latest adult teeth had finally filled the last gaps from where he had defanged himself when he was tiny. Now when he grinned in triumph at another successful prank, which he did at regular intervals, he could display the full set.

The Lady noticed that Inuyasha had that same grin on his face now and more astonishingly, so did Sesshoumaru; it made their faces look very alike and stamped them as brothers. Unsurprisingly, it made her maternal instincts flare to see the pair conspiring together, and she walked towards them quietly. But the conversation ceased abruptly as the boys turned as one to smile and welcome her, and to ask her innocently how she was.

The Lady was not to be fooled by their disingenuous faces however; but she knew better than to enquire what they were plotting if she wanted an answer and decided to wait and watch for a while. Feigning no interest whatsoever whenever the two boys walked off each day to the woodland, lulled them into a false sense of security and allowed the mother to mask her aura and follow them. She had no sense of shame at doing this, a mother should know what her pups are doing and besides, she was also endowed with her fair share of Inu inquisitiveness.

At a safe distance she watched as Sesshoumaru jumped into a tree and scored the bark with his claw. She was intrigued as her sons whispered together, but she had to intervene when she saw Inuyasha’s ears droop as her eldest son told him that this was something he had to do, even if he was a hanyou. It was time to find out just what Sesshoumaru was wanting from his brother and was he intimidating the younger boy? The Lady released her aura and was gratified as both boys whirled round to see her, a mild horror in Inuyasha’s eyes, whereas Sesshoumaru’s were immediately calculating.

"I do not like the way you sounded derogatory when you speak of Inuyasha as a hanyou Sesshoumaru; your brother is just as capable as many full youkai."

"I haven’t said he isn’t Mama; with all due respect you didn’t hear all that I said and I resent you saying I would demean Inuyasha in any way." Sesshoumaru countered, his anger sizzling beneath the surface. The Lady stopped to consider, perhaps she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion, but she felt he owed an explanation for the hanyou remark; it wouldn’t be long before Inuyasha became sensitive to a perceived slur if he heard the term used negatively, and he would do.

Realising quickly that she might be making more of this than was warranted and could cause her adopted son to wonder and question before he was ready, The Lady changed tack and laughed. This unusual behaviour took their attention away from the previous conversation and she asked where they were going so regularly and could she join in. This caused Inuyasha to blush to his roots and Sesshoumaru was most indignant and told her that in no way was she to follow them further. Of course her interest was piqued even more.

"It is a matter of family honour Mama." Sesshoumaru said pompously, but his words sounded ominous to his mother, what could Inuyasha being hanyou have to do with family honour? Was this some harebrained scheme of Sesshoumaru’s, and was he still disparaging of his brother’s human blood despite his words to the contrary, perhaps even unknowingly to himself?

"All the more I should know what you are teaching him Sesshoumaru; I will not have Inuyasha’s confidence undermined." The Lady was stubborn, a trait she had passed on to her eldest son and the pair stared at each other for some time, each recognising the characteristic in the other. Sesshoumaru knew that he wouldn’t win this argument, but he was an obedient boy in the main and decided to tell his mother what she wanted to know.

"I was instructing Inuyasha in the techniques he needs to ensure he beats his peers at his urinary inauguration to adolescence Mama." Sesshoumaru said; he was well aware that that he had lost Inuyasha with his phraseology and was smug at having shocked his mother. The Lady too was aware that her eldest son’s aura was gloating, but she was not to be outdone, even if she was taken aback slightly at learning the meaning of all the secrecy.

"You are training Inuyasha in a pissing contest and this is all for ‘honour’?" It was her turn to be smug as Sesshoumaru’s face was worth the crude expression. Inuyasha too had stopped being embarrassed and his face had lit up with his great sparkling eyes dancing in mirth and a grin splitting his face.

"Papa said you wouldn’t understand." Sesshoumaru said sulkily.

"Your father knows what you two are doing?"

"He told me what to do for mine; he said it worked for him against Ryuukotsusei."

"Very well I have heard enough My Boys; Inuyasha make sure you learn well and do your are following in a noble tradition." She turned away to return to the Palace and only Sesshoumaru heard the sarcasm in the comment for what it was. Inu no Taishou met his mate halfway.

"Is your curiosity satisfied now My Love?"

"Yes thank you, I now have enough mental pictures of you and that dragon to last a lifetime." She said snootily and her mate roared with laughter. She waited until he had calmed down and carried on; "I was just concerned about Inuyasha and objecting to his worth being measured just because he is hanyou."

"I understand My Love, but the pup cannot be sheltered from unpleasantness for all his life, he will have to learn to deal with it, not always be protected from it."

"I suppose...I just wish..." The Lady didn’t bother finishing her sentence, they both understood.

As it happened, Inuyasha was initiated the following week, his practice and technique paid off to a large extent, he beat all the others except Kouga, with whom he drew level and he was cheered by them all. Everyone was suitably impressed, except Sesshoumaru who couldn’t quite hide his disappointment that the wolf wasn’t beaten; but as he said privately to Hiroto, had Inuyasha been a full Inuyoukai, Kouga would have been trounced. Unfortunately, although Inuyasha didn’t hear him, he saw his brothers talking and could feel from the bond that Shu felt let down, and that hurt, as he felt then it was his fault.

But as he’d done with the hurt before, when he had been found wanting by others, Inuyasha buried it deep and tried to forget. He himself was pleased with his result, he was smaller than most of the adolescents because he was hanyou, but he was growing and getting stronger. The healers had informed his father that even though he would be smaller than his siblings, he would not be weak; he was wiry and strong and would be a credit to his father.

Of course, Inuyasha’s life was not all carefree; he still had schooling set down, although his schedule was not changed again. But he was a good, bright student and he was smarter than Kouga, therefore if he excelled in his class work he could show Sesshoumaru that it didn’t matter that he was hanyou, he could still beat a wimpy, full blooded Youkai wolf. The perfect opportunity arose not long before the summer break, when The Tiger suggested that his students do a project on something that interested them. Whatever they chose and how much effort they put into it would tell him and them a lot about themselves.

Inuyasha kept his ideas to himself, he wanted to surprise and impress everyone with his project, and therefore he pretended he hadn’t fully decided what to do when everyone else was giving their ideas. Sesshoumaru told him that he had studied the liveried two headed dragons that were in the stables; he had been there at hatchings and learned how they could be selectively bred according to the tasks they would perform. He got the idea from his care for his own pet, which was a runt from a seasonally late hatching and was still smaller than the rest of his breed. The dragon had been with Sesshoumaru ever since the boy had toddled his first steps.

Sesshoumaru suggested that Inuyasha could do a study on Shinju and her past pack, the young bitch could even speak and help him, which was more than the dragons had been able to do; Inuyasha had thanked his brother and said he would consider it. Not that he would; Sesshoumaru was fast becoming a condescending prig towards his younger brother, as if he’d accepted that Inuyasha would never be able to achieve to his own high standard of ability. Inuyasha scoffed in his head, his project was far more interesting than telling his pet’s life story; he was going to write about the management of his farm.

To this end, Inuyasha went to his father and asked to go and question his human manager who at the time was his great, great nephew through Yori’s line. Inuyasha knew the man; he visited at least once a fortnight to report to Inu no Taishou about the farm and soon he was due to find the next manager who would take over from him. Inuyasha argued that this would be a perfect time to find out more about the running of his farm, he could watch the interview and stay for a couple of weeks in his old home. His father smiled and after due consideration, he said he thought it a splendid idea, and more importantly, he agreed to keep the project idea a secret.

With his father’s blessing, Inuyasha set out the next morning with Shinju; he was excited as his brother’s great grandson was unaware he was coming. Akio was a good man; he had always been friendly to Inuyasha even though he was of the generation that had been kept away from the smaller boy while growing up. Akio had already mentioned to Inu no Taishou that he was considering his relation Gorou to succeed him. Gorou was the next generation down from him, one from a family with eight children of Cho’s line, but this young man was unknown to Inuyasha.

They landed just outside of the fence, Inuyasha bearing in mind his father’s admonition not to alarm any humans who now were not familiar with youkai; Shinju immediately transformed down to her more normal domestic dog size. As they approached the farmhouse it became apparent that a loud disagreement was in progress between Akio and another man Inuyasha didn’t recognise, therefore being well brought up, the pup stayed outside until things quietened down. However he couldn’t help but overhear what was said;

"I said ‘no’ Akio, and I’m not the only one, it’s been decided none of us will take over from you and work for the youkai."

"He is not just any youkai Gorou, Inuyasha is family, our Uncle; this farm offers security and a place to bring up your family. You are qualified to run the place when we retire to the cottage our son has readied for us."

"He is a hanyou, dirty, half-blooded...and from what I gather he has forgotten any of his humanity; no one has seen him for years apart from you."

"He is still a child Gorou; watching family die around him was hard and my Great Grandfather and your Great, Great Grandmother advised his father to keep him away. Inuyasha is a very likeable boy."

"He is an abhorrence that should never have been; just because our ancestor whored out his daughter to a youkai didn’t mean the result should have lived. Face it Akio, the bastard doesn’t care about humans and we certainly don’t want to be tied for who knows how long to the farm." The proud Gorou said, with all the prejudice of ignorance. Akio was about to remonstrate with him when the door opened and a pale faced boy walked in as if he owned the place, he was wearing a bright red outfit, his eyes stormy with anger.

"Is there anyone who doesn’t feel as you do? Akio...will anyone take over from you?"

"My generation is too old Inuyasha; I was the second youngest..."

"There is no one, hanyou; none of my family will ever serve you...all they feel is disgust that you exist." Gorou hissed, bravado making him unwise and leaving Akio to feel disgust at the young man’s rudeness.

"They are my family come from my precious sister Cho...she would be ashamed and sad at the way you speak." Inuyasha said quietly, but his mind took up the challenge. "Very well, none of you shall be beholden to me anymore. Akio, see to it that all their land is bought up and send them all away; your ...generation can stay until you all die. You will train me over the summer to run my farm; I will be the next manager." Inuyasha then left a stunned pair of humans and called to Shinju to return home, his buoyant mood of the morning dissipated. He didn’t hear Akio berate Gorou for causing the scattering of the family to the four winds.

When he got home Inuyasha reported his decision but not his reasons to his father, who was surprised at the boy’s maturity of speech. He then asked to be excused to write up his report and for the rest of the day he was closeted in his rooms. Inu no Taishou noted that his second son’s aura was disturbed and went to find out from Akio what had caused Inuyasha to treat his family so badly. Akio apologised profusely and said that Gorou had been offensive in words about Izayoi and Inuyasha and had declined the offer of manager for the whole family.

Inu no Taishou then confirmed his son’s decision, it was Inuyasha’s heritage after all, and he informed Akio that the pup would stay all summer and longer, then, when school started again, the class would reconvene at the farm. Next he went back to speak with Inuyasha, who by now had finished his report and his thoughts on taking over the farm, and was dwelling on Gorou’s cruel remarks. It was as if a locked door of understanding had been undone and many things began to make sense. His father knocked on the door and walked in;

"Pay no attention to ignorant remarks My Inuyasha, such people who are prejudiced are far beneath you."

"Cho would be so sad, I’m...I’m glad she’s not here anymore; but that man was right wasn’t he? I’ve only just understood...I am a bastard aren’t I? I...I know that means that Mama wasn’t mated to you now. I’ve never thought about it before, but that’s why she died all old and didn’t stay young like Jinenji’s Mama. It’s not good being hanyou is it? No one likes us, that’s why I don’t get invites to stay like Hiroto does. It’s Grandfather’s fault; he whored out my Mama to you, whatever that means...why did you let him Papa, why did you let me be born a hanyou?"

Inu no Taishou was distressed, there were so many questions all at once, but he knew that Inuyasha needed the proper answers now and not ones that skirted round the issue. Therefore he spent the whole afternoon and early evening until the meal time explaining and answering, holding nothing back and answering all of his son’s questions once he emphatically denied that Izayoi had ever been a whore. Throughout the whole trying time, he reassured his son that all who knew him genuinely loved him, and didn’t care that he was born of two worlds.

author: petalears, *may 2008

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