Mod Post - Community Hiatus

Oct 04, 2010 21:57

Hello everyone,

It is with some sadness that I must announce inuyashaquotes is going on something of a hiatus. Both psyco-chick32 & I have had schedule changes and other RL-dealings to contend with of late, so we are placing this community on hold for new monthly quote prompts only for the foreseeable future.

This community is *not* shutting down, however ~ we invite all of our members to check out our extensive prompt archive for new (or perhaps refreshed) inspiration. The personalized banners being made for the 2009-10 prompts will continue to be handed out as well, so there is the chance to claim a shiny for your efforts, as well as some feedback :)

We'd like to take a moment to thank all of our members for their wonderful participation (and all the amazing works that have been written!). Without you, no community can be successful, no matter what the scale - so thank you :)

We hope to host more no-pressure challenges here in the future, so please keep us on your f-list if you enjoy the concept. Until then ~ thanks, and we look forward to seeing more of your works!

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