June 2010 Week 1

Jun 28, 2010 22:05

Title:How It Could Have Been; ch 41, Stolen
Rating PG
Summary:Inuyasha confesses.
Quote:No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.-Aesop, The Lion and The Mouse


Inuyasha crept up to the door of the living room where Izayoi and Makoto were waiting for him; his heart sank when he realised that they were not alone, Toshi too was there. He wanted to leave and come back later but knew it was not possible, they were expecting him. However he didn’t go in straight away either as he could hear Toshi speaking, she sounded distressed and that upset him, he hated to hear anyone crying especially if he felt he was the cause. He overheard the aunt bewail the fact that the snacks she had made for them all had gone from the kitchen and what would she tell the hungry children who looked forward to her treats.

"We all like the teas you provide Toshi." Comforted Izayoi, "I’m sure we’ll find them in time, you are right, they are the highlight of the day." Her words though did nothing to ease the miserable guilt that hung like a millstone around her son’s neck and Inuyasha knew that he would have to confess. The small hanyou gently pushed aside the screen door and waited for permission to enter the room; Makoto smiled reassuringly at him and waved him closer. Inuyasha swallowed the painful lump that had jumped into his throat as he whispered:

"I took the dumplings from the kitchen...I’m sorry Mama." He stared at the floor willing away the tears of shame that had sprung to his eyes as his mother gasped out sorrowfully;

"No...Inuyasha; not stealing, not you." Her disappointment in him was palpable and Inuyasha couldn’t look up at his mother; he was almost afraid of what he would see in her face. After what seemed an age of gazing at the same spot on the mat, Inuyasha saw Makoto’s feet come into view and he was drawn close once again to the man by his arms. Inuyasha knew that his foster father was waiting for him to look up and he raised his eyes to Makoto’s face; the man took note of the lowered ears and tear shiny eyes, as well as the glimpse Inuyasha took of his mother.

Makoto recognised of course that one act of childish theft didn’t make Inuyasha a hardened criminal, but the boy could not be excused on the grounds that he had not done this before. No one would risk the other children learning that stealing was to be treated with leniency. But Makoto was determined to find out what had caused the lapse from good behaviour too, he was no tyrant.

"I am glad to see you are distressed at causing your mother pain Inuyasha; your actions have not been those of an honest boy. For someone to steal when he is not in need or want shows a lack of honour; you understand don’t you that you have not only taken from Toshi, but have deprived your siblings too, not to mention your mother and those who care for you. The fact that it is only a small amount of food does not matter; it is the principal of the action that merits discipline.

"I must inform your father of this now as he hasn’t given me the right to beat you as your misdemeanour deserves; that is his prerogative. But I do know that he will take this matter very seriously, and I can only exhort you to think deeply about what you have done so that we have no repeat of this." Makoto spoke quietly and deliberately, his stern countenance was sad, but he had no intent to frighten or intimidate the young hanyou any more than he had too. He was proud too that Inuyasha hadn’t tried to turn on the water works to get out of trouble, although the feelings of the child’s remorse were evident.

"If I can tell your father that you willingly returned the dumplings, it might go some way to easing your punishment. Tell me where you have hidden them My Son."

"I ate them...I can’t give them back..." Inuyasha’s voice was tiny; it was hard for him to speak around the solid lump in his throat; or to see Makoto through his burning, stinging eyes.

"You ate all eight dumplings...why? You cannot have been hungry."

"I was angry, not hungry...and there were only seven." Inuyasha said sullenly, Makoto looked at him askance, his mind processing the boy’s words and manner.

"Four children and four adults make eight Inuyasha; not that it matters if they are all eaten."

"It does matter...it does. That’s why I is so angry...there wasn’t a dumpling for me again and I like them. It’s not fair that I am always too late and the others have eated them all...or that Auntie doesn’t make me any because she doesn’t know if I am going to be there...I never get any sweets...so I took them and I don’t care anymore, even though they didn’t taste nice and made me feel like I couldn’t swallow. It was all her fault and she was mean to me like she always is, even if she is nice to everyone else. So I isn’t sorry that I had her stupid dumplings and I don’t care if you tell Papa and I gets beaten for stealing them...I isn’t sorry, so there."

His outburst over, Inuyasha wiped his eyes and stared defiantly at Toshi who was aghast at the anger she saw blazing in the hanyou’s eyes. She saw the same anger in Makoto and Izayoi’s faces too as the obvious truth rang out from Inuyasha’s mouth, and the adults had no doubt that she had been deliberately spiteful. The woman paled as for the first time she considered that Inu no Taishou would now hear about her behaviour and she became afraid of what he would do to her. Makoto pulled Inuyasha close to him in secure embrace, trying to comfort the boy who was muttering ‘I doesn’t care, I doesn’t care’ over and over, his small chest heaving with suppressed emotion that seemed too big for his body.

But Inuyasha stayed rigid, holding himself tightly together; he didn’t acknowledge his mother as she came and knelt before him and stroked his hair. Nor did he respond to her when she said that he should have told them before he reached such a state. Inuyasha hadn’t known to tell, or what to say; it hadn’t been until he counted the seven only that everything fell into place for him, but this was too difficult to explain and he was suddenly very tired.

Suddenly there was a pull on his youkai and Inuyasha knew that Sesshoumaru had come to visit. The Taiyoukai was early as normally he came at night when Inuyasha was wakeful and so as not to disturb the rest of the family. Their father had suggested that Inuyasha might appreciate the company later rather than sooner and true to his word Sesshoumaru kept a watchful eye out for both Inuyasha and Hanako. These visits had become somewhat of a lifeline for the younger brother; now that the brothers were friendly again, Inuyasha’s youkai was much more settled and the darkness made it easier to confide his secrets and concerns.

He had not though had time to tell Sesshoumaru all about his prejudiced aunt and now the older brother would feel disgraced by the younger one’s shame. Once again the lump in his throat made its presence felt and Inuyasha nearly choked; suddenly everything was too much and he pulled away from the humans and raced outside straight into Sesshoumaru opened arms. Finally the pup felt safe and as Sesshoumaru’s tail came around him shielding Inuyasha from any harm, the dam burst and the small hanyou loudly wailed out his sorrow, ridding himself of the hard lump and the stinging in his eyes.

Sesshoumaru looked in consternation over the top of Inuyasha’s head, at his father; the pair had come because the older brother had felt the disturbed youkai of the younger. He thought that perhaps something had happened to Hanako. Inu no Taishou nodded at his eldest and made his way to the farm while Sesshoumaru sat down and waited for Inuyasha to calm down. His own youkai was very protective and close to the surface and as he wrapped Inuyasha in his tail, the pup’s youkai responded to their bond and growled in relief. A corresponding growl from Sesshoumaru comforted Inuyasha further and finally he stopped crying and started to doze.

By the time Inu no Taishou came back to his sons, Sesshoumaru was red eyed and snarling, his youkai much in evidence and his father sympathised, but he had now to deal with Inuyasha. First he rapidly told them what had transpired at the farm; saying that he had removed his protection from the aunt and uncle and evicted the pair. This news however caused Inuyasha distress; he asked his father not to do that because Toshi helped out a lot and allowed Izayoi to spend time doing the things she wished to do and besides, the other children liked her.

Inu no Taishou smiled at his pup’s generous nature and said very well, Sesshoumaru would tell them she could stay; meanwhile Inuyasha was to go with his father. At this the timbre of Sesshoumaru’s growls changed and became threatening; he was possessive of the pup and was not prepared to allow Inuyasha to be punished for something he had been provoked into doing. Their father sighed quietly and raised his own youki to counter Sesshoumaru;

"Stand down Pup and give Inuyasha to me."

"You now do as the human wishes and you will beat your own son? Sesshoumaru sneered, his voice roughened with his youki.

"I allow no one to tell me how to deal with my pups Sesshoumaru and that includes you. Inuyasha is mine to raise, not yours. You would do well to remember this at times." His father snarled back.

"Don’t fight...please don’t fight. I will go with you Papa; let me go Shu." Inuyasha pleaded, he was becoming unnerved by the sudden level of youki that was so much stronger than his own. Immediately Inu no Taishou reigned in his power as he recognised Inuyasha was becoming scared and instead, quick as light, he gripped Sesshoumaru around the scruff of his neck and gave him a firm shake. Instinct made the older boy submit to his father’s age old discipline and Inuyasha went over to his father as Sesshoumaru’s eyes returned to gold.

"Sesshoumaru inform the humans that Inuyasha will stay with us for a while, and reinforce my edict that the child is to remain unharmed." Inu no Taishou then departed for the Palace with Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru went to the farm. Without preamble the Taiyoukai entered the rooms where the human family was gathered.

"My brother will not return to you for some time, but he requested of My Father that the human female and her mate can stay, as they are of some use to his mother. But know this, if My Father ever takes his protection away from them, This Sesshoumaru will kill them. My Father has also decreed that no harm must come to the human babe while Inuyasha is away; should it do so you will answer to him, and that I do not advise."

"Thank you on behalf of my sister Lord Sesshoumaru."

"I did not say this through my own volition, she is beneath notice. Any who so discriminate against a helpless pup are lower than the dust. It is Inuyasha she should thank."

"I do thank him; please convey that to him..." muttered a strangely soft voice. "I did not wish to leave." Toshi was afraid, her scent conveyed that much to Sesshoumaru, but he didn’t look at her or acknowledge her words. As far as he was concerned she didn’t exist, although he would tell Inuyasha his Nemesis had gone.

"Give him my love please Sesshoumaru; I would not wish my son to think for one moment I do not love him." Izayoi begged and he glanced at her and nodded before leaving for the Palace.

*june 2010 week 1, author: petalears

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