October 2009 Week 4

Jan 29, 2010 16:19

Title:How It Could Have Been; ch 30 Without all of the Facts
Summary:Inuyasha is left alone with his father and then Sesshoumaru.
Quote: You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. -Eric Hoffer

Without All of the Facts

Papa’s arms were comforting even if his words to Inuyasha were not. He did not raise his voice but Inuyasha learned just why he was not to release his youkai, being told that eventually he could lose his mind and life to the as yet uncontrolled beast that lurked in his soul. He learned that his human side was not strong enough to counter balance his powerful father’s youkai blood that ran in his veins; and that without the rigorous training that he was undertaking, Inuyasha would never have a fully controllable and sentient youkai. As this was obviously undesirable, Inuyasha must heed the warnings to keep his temper. Never before had Inu no Taishou spoken quite so bluntly to his young son, but it was a fact of the pup’s life and he was old enough to know to be afraid that his uncontrolled youkai was dangerous. Although it would always respond to his father and brother, it might start to challenge anyone else and be able to take over Inuyasha completely.

Inuyasha listened and understood, knowing enough of his father to also recognise that the threat of being taken out of school was genuine. This was an outcome he didn’t want; he enjoyed school and was happy to have made new friends, even Kouga was alright most of the time. Inu no Taishou then called out the pup’s youkai to speak to him sternly, he was too young yet to understand much more than the Alpha was displeased with him, but that was enough to subdue him for a long time. Inuyasha knew that his father was no longer angry with him; he was never punished for innocent mistakes, nor was he disciplined more than necessary for transgressions and The Tiger had already taken him to task, so the pup felt safe to snuggle down when his father finished talking to him. Inu no Taishou petted the boy’s ears and ran his soothing claws through the long hair enjoying the fact that Inuyasha was still young enough to allow the liberty, unlike his easily affronted elder pup. But it raised another point for Inuyasha and the father chuckled.

"Inuyasha you will spend the rest of the afternoon with Sesshoumaru; he will want to speak to you too."

"Is Shu cross with me?"

"Not really, but you know how pompous he can be. He will want to make sure that your youkai still listens to him as well as me." Inu no Taishou knew very well that Sesshoumaru was chomping at the bit to impose his Alpha youkai once more over the younger brother, although he was not allowed to call Inuyasha’s youkai out alone. Sesshoumaru may deny it, but he was worried for the pup and the relationship that was important to both, neither would be settled until their hierarchy was returned to normal. The elder was jealous over the Wolf trying to assert his dominance over the little brother who was too easily upset due to his human heart. The Father realised that his elder son was dominating, but he would be surprised yet at the inherent strength of heart in his baby brother, Inuyasha wouldn’t put up with being told what to do for long when he grew up.

Inu no Taishou chuckled again, thinking of the surprise on the older boy’s face when his authority would be challenged as it surely would. Inuyasha’s youkai might have made his decisions as to who his Alphas were, but his human half wouldn’t always obey as easily. If Inuyasha was full youkai, he would probably issue a challenge to Sesshoumaru’s right to automatically tell him what to do as an adult; they would almost certainly fight as most siblings do to achieve pack order. But the human element to the hanyou would act differently, probably coming to a head during the pup’s adolescence; and that Sesshoumaru wouldn’t understand Inuyasha was a certainty. The father had already tried to tell Sesshoumaru this, but his eldest was stubborn and wouldn’t acknowledge that Inuyasha would behave in any way differently to any other youkai pup stretching his wings.

Inu no Taishou held onto Inuyasha for a bit longer before releasing his son, he could tell Inuyasha was unharmed by the ordeal of chastisement and had discreetly checked that the bruising was gone. He was not really concerned, The Tiger was a wise creature and very experienced. Now he could encourage the boy to go and find his brother with a few tender pats to his bottom knowing that he was only showing affection and not adding any further pain. Watching as Inuyasha scuttled away, hunting for Sesshoumaru by putting his nose in the air and testing for his brother’s scent, Inu no Taishou sighed; he loved his children dearly but there was always somewhere cause for concern. He decided to go and play with his little daughter for a while, he had been promised a tea party the next time he was free.

It took no time at all for Inuyasha to find his brother, Sesshoumaru was not hiding in any case; but the pup didn’t rush into his brother’s arms as usual, remembering as he did the lack of acknowledgement from the Taiyoukai earlier. His instincts told him that he would have to wait for a sign from the older brother. It was not long in coming, Sesshoumaru knelt down to nearer his brother’s height and opened his arms, letting the boy come to him, and wrapping him in the familiar comfort of his tail. It was not long however before Inuyasha found himself plonked back on the floor in front of his brother, Sesshoumaru having made sure to cover his brother in his scent again just as their father had done, even though the hanyou had never picked up the scent of the wolf. When Inuyasha went back to class, it would be obvious to Kouga to whom the pup belonged.

"Inuyasha, I understand that you look to the Wolf for guidance at school; you allow him dominion over your recreation." Sesshoumaru tried again when he realised that Inuyasha hadn’t understood all his words. "You choose to do what the Wolf Prince tells you to do; act how he wants you to act."

"No I don’t; don’t say something like that Shu. Why?" Inuyasha was upset that Sesshoumaru was scolding him; he had wanted comfort not more discipline.

"He says he speaks for you."

"He was owning up that he got me in trouble."

"It was your own fault that you were in trouble, nobody else’s Inuyasha. You lost control of your youkai and were fighting." Sesshoumaru was almost sneering.

"He took my rabbit and threwed it away." Inuyasha’s voice was raised in indignation because of his elder brother’s taunting.

"He was teasing you and you did exactly what he wanted; you disobeyed your tutor and ended up being deservedly punished. My brother should have demanded that the wolf go and get it Inuyasha, not done it himself. It makes me ashamed of you to know that the wolf cub had you right where he wanted, he threw the rabbit and you fetched it like a good puppy." Sesshoumaru turned away to emphasize his disapproval, but was unprepared for the unhappy growling coming from Inuyasha that gave way to his shouting.

"Shut up, shut up...you is a pomp ass like Papa said; you doesn’t know everything you stuck up Shu. I is not a puppy, I do not fetch for you nor Kouga, whatever he says. I is not your pet and you don’t put me on a leash and take me for walks, and even if I likes to chase sticks or a ball, it don’t make me a real dog with a tail to wag and my bottom in the air. And so what if you stroke my hair and ears, I don’t want you to do that again if it makes you all think I is a pet dog. I is your brother Shu, I is not a puppy." Inuyasha’s tirade ended on a shriek and he launched himself at the stunned Sesshoumaru, his claws out; even managing to get a scratch to his brother’s face, although when he scented the blood he was horrified and bursting into noisy tears he ran out of the room.

"Congratulations Sesshoumaru, I see your youkai has reassured your brother." Inu no Taishou said with sarcasm as he observed his chastened elder son.

"I understand now I did not have all the facts Papa; Inuyasha said I was a pomp ass."

"Hmm, you are a jealous pomp ass my son; your words were ill considered. Inuyasha has never given his allegiance to anyone outside of the family males, you know his youkai is bonded to you, so why did you try and hurt him more?"

"I don’t know Papa, I was angry, that wolf runt was so cocky and arrogant..."

"Well we didn’t know fully what had finally tipped the balance for Inuyasha to let out his youkai until now; but as for Kouga, it strikes me that he too is insecure Sesshoumaru. For all his strutting about here, I think he has given us a clue to his own secret. He may be the Prince of the Wolf Tribe, but he is far too young yet to be in charge; one of his brothers in law is his regent and he has many sisters all mated. I would wager that it is our little peacock who is treated as the pet and babied at home; not being taken seriously perhaps, and he resents it, poor little Alpha Wolfling."

"That’s as may be, but he still had no right to say those things to Inuyasha..."

"And you did? You have hurt your brother far worse than Kouga ever could. You need to go and apologise and make things right with him. Inuyasha is very loyal, but he has his own pride too don’t forget. It’s a family trait."

*october 2009 week 4, author: petalears

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