Title: Watching Over
Author: Sakura_kyoshi
Genre: Angst
Universe: Canon
Character/Pairing: Kaede, InuYasha
Rating: K
Author’s Notes: InuYasha and all characters in this fan fiction are the property of Rumiko Takahashi.
Kaede stood in InuYasha’s Forest, staring at the young man pinned to the God tree with a single arrow. Standing very still, hands grasped behind her back, the young miko watched as the wind blew through his hair, moving it about his face. He didn’t stir. She watched as a butterfly landed on the tip of one triangular ear. It didn’t twitch. The young man was frozen in time, motionless, thoughtless and senseless.
The vines on the tree had started growing up his body some time ago as nature tried to protect him from the elements that changed while he never did. The creatures in InuYasha’s Forest did not fear the hanyou in his sleeping form as they would have had he been awake, but the villagers were no fools. It had only been a few short years ago the half-demon InuYasha had attacked their village, mortally wounding Kaede’s sister and village priestess Kikyou, and was pinned to the God tree with Kikyou’s arrow before she died, containing him in a state of constant unconsciousness.
Kaede often wondered if he suffered. She knew better than to free him, however, she felt ill at ease over his current condition. Why Kikyou did not kill InuYasha outright no one knew, but Kaede refused to believe her sister contained him out of spite. Surely she would not have been so vengeful in death as to deny him his own and refuse him life. But as time went on, the village miko began to change her mind. She was beginning to think maybe her sister had been that vengeful. The boy had been an outcast, a black sheep, and had no companions, no wool in which to comfort himself with. Kikyou had been his only friend, and with her demise she had denied him any type of existence or nonexistence he could have hoped for. He was worse than dead.
The sun was beginning to set and the miko shivered. Winter was moving in and she worried for InuYasha. Even though the God tree protected him she always worried the elements would claim him in a true death. That would be so much more merciful than the life he had now.