Kouga/Kagome Community

Jan 31, 2015 12:25

Hi, I don't know if this is allowed, delete if not, but I just created a Kouga/Kagome community that anyone can join. I've added some of my favorite fics of them so far and am looking for other stuff but the pickings are slim. This couple really needs a little attention lol. Go here kougaxkagome if your interested.

pairing: kouga/kagome, !pimpage, !community

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Comments 3

kawaii_chica February 5 2015, 20:35:42 UTC
Sounds like fun, so do you intend it to be just a listing of fanfics or can members also post drabbles and short stories to the community?


ladycalalily February 6 2015, 18:29:45 UTC
as long as it's about Kouga/Kagome, you can post anything


kawaii_chica February 16 2015, 05:35:59 UTC
Sounds great! =)


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