Looking for a fic. Sess/Kag. AU.

Oct 27, 2014 12:26

So I have been out of the fandom for ages, and recently got bitten by the bug to reread some of my old favs. However after reading a couple, there is this one fanfic i remember that's tickling my mind ... that I can not find in my bookmarks!

Hoping someone here can help me find it!

Here's what I remember:

Its a Sess/Kag fic and its AU. Present time, all human(i think). Anyways Kagome is a trip with her supposed friends ... I think they are staying at a cabin or something. At some point early on Kagome overhears that they are only friends with her because she helps with their homework or something and she decides to leave.

She ends up running into/getting found ... not sure ... by Sesshomaru who happens to be staying in a cabin near by. Hot steamy hookup ensues. Later he and Kagome leave and are then in a relationship, they go see her mother. And thats about all I remember.

Please help! Thanks!

!searching for a fic, pairing: sesshoumaru/kagome

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