long lost fic

Dec 16, 2008 00:10

I'm looking for a fic I read years ago on MediaMiner called "Like Father..."

I don't know the author, but in it Kagome and Inuyasha were married with children (as were Sango/Miroku, Sesshoumaru/Rin). The story was mostly about their son (forget his name) who fell in love with a miko girl from the village named Ayu. It was around 40 chapters long and I'm really sad that I can't find it anywhere.

Help, please?

Also, it's been awhile since I read Inuyasha fanfic regularly and I'm looking for a good archive / rec. list. I usually like Inu/Kag as a pairing, though I'll read Sess/Kag or Sess/Rin if it's well-written. I love novel-length, though shorter is fine, too. My only real requirement is that stories be well-written and well-edited.


!searching for a fic

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