Title: "Confessions of a Teenage Tragedy"
Rating: Mature (18+)
Setting: Alternate Universe/Modern Japan
Themes: Angst and Romance
First Main Character: Kagome
Second Main Character: Inuyasha
Chapters/Parts: 20 Chapters/11 Parts
Words: 27,870
Other: Characters may be "Out of Character" in comparison to the manga/anime. Also, this story constantly switches between first person prospective to third, and also from character-to-character sometimes without it being explicitly spelled out that a switch has happened.
Summary: Written in diary-style from various view points, this first-person recollection tells the story of both Kagome and Inuyasha who are both facing adversity in their pasts and their currently rocky futures in the midst of their senior year in High School. Both with secrets of their own, the characters emotions and stories are explored that delve deep into their lives until both meet and their stories become intertwined.
Additional Warnings: What lies ahead might be confusing, redundant, unidentifiable, random, bizarre, unique, political, catchy, soulful, unapologetic, suggestive, familiar, fashionable, sorrowful, violent, mischievous, crude, jubilant, pornographic, contradictory, unsound, fuming, short, slow, beautiful, liberal, risqué, uncooperative, fast, angst-y, hypocritical, melodramatic, full, unsettled, muffled, sexy, unplanned, misconstrued, thoughtful, and fascinating, and make you feel sad, happy, annoyed, twitchy, horny, tense, melancholy, pensive, nervous, curious, uncomfortable, altered, angry, passionate, stressful, satisfied, understood, embarrassed, hungry, giddy, unsatisfied, crushed, jubilant, and wondering.