(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 16:59

Title: Remnants of the Spider

Author: Lady Sianna

Genre: Action\Adventure\Romance\Drama

Parings: Sesshoumaru\Kagome, Iuyasha\Kikyou, Miroku\Sango and Naraku and OC(Izanami). Yes Naraku! *devilish smile*

Rating: M

Universe: Canon

Warnings: Lemons in later chapters.

Disclaimer: Though I claim full ownership of this plot, I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters. No monitary gains are being made from this fanfiction, and no copywright infringement is intended.

Summary: Lies, sex, and ultimate power! Naraku’s newest web of deceit, involves a naïve young miko(Izanami). She is his key to gaining near limitless power. Will his enemies tremble at his feet? Or will his plans for supreme dominance fail?


pairing: sesshoumaru/kagome, author: lady sianna, rating: ma, character: naraku, character: sango, character: inuyasha, pairing: inuyasha/kikyou, character: kagome, character: sesshoumaru, genre: romance, genre: drama, genre: action/adventure, character: miroku

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