Aug 08, 2006 02:14
01. Last Cigarette: er... night before finals at like 3am
02. Last kiss: july 18th
03. Last tear: july 18th
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: er... AP econ for .. ap econ?
05. Last Movie Seen In Theaters: Talladega Nights with Tomtom
06. Last Book Read: Some Asimov book about electron pumps and alternate universes.
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: "holy fuck that bitch just destroyed that other guy's car!"
08. Last Beverage Drank: water..?
09. Last Food Consumed: Tonkatsu + Shrimp Tempura at Hanabi
10. Last Person in your mind: Puki. isnt it always?
11. Last TV Show Watched: Wild n' Out, Best Damn Sports Show Ever, PTI (Pardon the interruption)
13. Last Shoes Worn: flipflops
15. Last Soda Drank: Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream ::hurl::
16. Last Thing Written: I guess my Algebra Exam on the board, and the answers
17. Last Words Spoken: LOVE YOU GOODNIGHT! to jenjen
18. Last Annoyance: Stupid children I tutor
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: Kids in my Geometry class
20. Last Web Site Visited: Hannah's xanga and Puki's LJ
Uncomfortable survey:
This survey is gonna probably make you uncomfortable, but if you do it...answer honestly!!!
-Longest relationship: er... >.> 8 months and counting?
-Shortest relationship: lol er... 2 weeks? dont think that really counts. 2 months then
-How many people have you broken up with?
er.. 4? hopefully never again
-How many times have you truly been in love?
i dont know. i am truly enjoying this one and am not feeling burnout like most relationships. jen makes me super happy and its not a chore to keep up the relationship and i truly think that things could go well for a long time with her
-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you?
-Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with?
yes lol
-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
yeah.. um... i tend to do that.. i'm not very good at this whole thing
-Have you ever cried over a boyfriend or girlfriend?
ya. i guess they arent either
-Are you happier single or in a relationship?
in a relationship. i need the companionship and it just makes everyday that much brighter
-Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?
as far as i know no
-Have you ever been cheated on?
-What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex?
the way they smell. honestly guys smell. i love the way most girls smell
-What is the best part of being in a relationship?
having someone care about you and know that you made someone's day
-What is the worst part of being in a relationship?
those closest to your heart are those most likely to hurt it deeply
-Worst relationship?
Summer fling last summer. she was too immature and i was too needy. simply didnt work because she couldnt grasp the concept of commitment and i couldnt grasp the concept of... naivete?
-Have you ever had your heart broken?
-Do you talk to any of your exes?
hmmm.. Lauren on occasion. we're still fairly decent friends. Niki... not really. Stacy, Stacey, Kate....... LOL
-If you could go back in time and change things to where you could still be with one of your exes what would u change?
nothing i learned something from each of the relationships and i moved on. thats all you can do in life. no what ifs, no maybes
-Do you think any of your ex's feel the same way?
no clue. dont really talk to my exs and those that i do past relationships arent usually the point of conversation. though lauren has expressed the wish that things had gone better
-What is your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend?
smart, hard working, dedicated, committed, able to get along with my family, a little bit crazy, able to put up with my craziness, and somewhat pretty. puki is defined by or exceeds each and every one of those categories
-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
I know i havent always been in all my relationships and i'm definetly no angel in this one but I hope puki will look back on this relationship and decide that i have been a fair to good boyfriend
-Have you dated people who were not good to you?
um... yes... quite often. but ive also dated people who have been great to me
- Have you dated anyone older?
lol yes
lol *.pdf
-Say, who is the most attractive guy/girl that you have ever dated?
mmm.... by far jen
-Do you regret anything that you have done with a boyfriend or girlfriend?
-Have you ever cried yourself to sleep over a boyfriend or girlfriend?
-When was the last time you were in a relationship?
dec 3, 05 ~ current
-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
no. in life, somethings you only get one chance and thats it. you learn from it and move on
-Believe in love at first sight?
definetly not. love is a complete and utter feeling derived from understanding on a physical emotional and psychic level. you cant understand a person completely by seeing them for the first time. there is definite physical attraction ie lust that can develop into more. but no relationship will last if there is no physical attraction to start it up.
-Ever dated two people at once?
-What's the perfect date?
hopefully what i'm planning for valentine's day.....
-Ever been given a promise ring?
no... (finds a ring for jenjen)
-Do you want to get married?
-Do you have something to say to any of your exes?
Kate: fuck you
Lauren: crazy mexican/white girl
Niki: ...
Stacy: oh.. you...
-Ever stolen someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
er... as far as i know.. no?
-Ever liked someone elses boyfriend or girlfriend?
yes. but offlimits.
-Do you believe in true love?
-Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?
no it feels worse
-Do you think that you will/or have found the love of your life?
<3 yes <3
@}-"-- to my puki