Apr 16, 2010 12:39
Going into effect May 1st, two weeks from tomorrow is the Michigan smoking ban. Opinions rage on this subject. Kent County in Michigan says they won't be enforcing this law in places that don't serve food. Ooh, those bad smoker-sympathizers. Well, actually they won't be enforcing it because the law doesn't provide for the money for the state/county to enforce it.
It's all fun and games to pass laws controlling what private businesses can and can't do, but where does the money come from to enforce all these laws? Out of our pockets, that's where.
Michigan is the ONLY state out of the 50 that hasn't shown economic growth. Perhaps if we stopped passing laws about texting and smoking and concentrated on the real issues, for instance the economy, auto industry (what used to be the biggest industry in the country, aside from oil) and unemployment, then we could actually accomplish something.
A couple of comments on the smoking ban from Mlive readers:
"Why do smokers and business owners feel that they have the right to push the healthcare costs of smoking-related illnesses on the taxpayers? That's the end result of smoking: it drives up the cost we all pay for healthcare."
Unfortunately this reader is likely correct that we will pay more for healthcare. Of course, that was also the reason for bikers to have to wear helmets...because it will drive up healthcare. Oh wait, except that in every state surrounding Michigan bikers DON'T have to wear helmets and it hasn't driven up healthcare. Also, the only reason why MY lifestyle should drive up your healthcare is if ours are somehow tied together, i.e. socialized, get my drift?
A couple of other interesting comments:
"It's called the free market. You know, the thing that took the US from a rinky-dink colony to the most powerful country in the world in about 100 years....
Some businesses are no smoking. If you want to not breath the nasty smoke, frequent them. If there is a nasty smokey bar down the road, don't go there! If the owner is happy with his profit margin catering to us nasty smokers, then so be it!
Nanny state has GOT to go!"
"As a smoker I only have one comment to make...If this is all about health then I believe the GOV. should also ban fast food joints and potato chips as I have noticed an extreme increase in obese people in our state, and if you don't think they will be a drain on health resources think again."