Tsubasa OVA 3: TEH ANGST! D: (And Kamui and Subaru love)

Mar 17, 2008 21:52

So, the third and final OVA of Tokyo Revelations came out today. Here is my review, with a bunch of pictures, of course:

(Warning: LOTS of Kamui/Subaru love)

So, we start out with Syaoran and his "bring it" face. Looks kinda cool.

Poor Sakura. Moving on...

OMG, Fai. D; He made me cry a lot in this one. Poor, poor Fai. This time, HE stole the show.

That was the one image in the manga, that I thought, "They had BETTER NOT cut this out!" I'm glad they left it in. :D

Oh look, it's Kamui and Subaru! :D

Yay, Vampire!Fai!

More Vampire!Fai.

Aaaand...Kamui and Subaru.


And again.

...And again. -_- Ugh, this is all we get of the TRC!Kamui getting molested by Fuuma scene. I was a bit disappointed they left it out--including Subaru's Vampire!face. It was originally going to be in there, I think, because on the OVA website, there is a picture in the character profiles of Subaru with his game face on. :(

All right, so Sakura starts out on her little journey with 'Ship of Fools' playing nicely in the background...


Once again, daymn. D: But awesome looking.


And back to the carnage. It's so cute seeing innocent little Sakura carrying a gun!

Bitch, you're goin' down. D:<

Yay! More Fai!

And after a huge fight with giant ass snakes, Sakura gets the egg thing. And then gives a little speech about Cloney.

Oooh, Pissy!Fai. I like. <3

Okay, here comes the shocker of the century...Who could it be?

OMGWTFBBQ?!! What the HELL are you doing in this story?! THIS wasn't in the manga! :o

Go back into your own universe! Jeez, don't we have ENOUGH Sakura's in this story already?*

*If you don't get this, don't ask. You'll cry your eyeballs out.

This almost made me cry, too. Music was beautiful in this scene.

Determined!Sakura. Music was beautiful here too.


Oh look, it's Real! Still, he's not in this one as much...no one cares about him now that the action scene is over, I guess.

And, leaving Tokyo...

And the last shot of the OVA.

Okay, to tell the truth, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for a bit of Infinity to be seen at the end, or even that one shot of Cloney destroying Tokyo. This OVA wasn't as good, in my mind, because it had a lack of Cloney that I DID NOT LIKE. D:<

But it had better animation, though. As always, beautiful fight scenes, too.

Now, I have two demands: GIVE US A SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS! The music was so beautiful in this one, and I want it.


Thus concludes my review.

kurogane, kamui, tokyo revelations, tsubasa, sakura, subaru, syaoran, ova, the dream that the princess saw, fai

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