What is with all the birds in this song? Did the guy who wrote it have an avian fetish or something?
And a little genre shift here; this one's a bit more serious than the rest.
Day 4 - "Colly Birds"
Title: Carrion Crows
Rating: PG-13
Series: Manga/Brotherhood
Word Count: 316
Characters: Roy, Hughes
Summary: Roy muses about the crows during the Ishbal war.
Roy looked up at the fire-red Ishbal sky-dusky and dim from the smoke of burning ruins. They hardly ever saw the sun anymore through all this thick smoke; just a reddish sky and the black dots of crows.
The crows were everywhere; perched on buildings, waddling on the ground, flying high in the sky; feeding on the dead. There were too many dead, Ishbalan and Amesterian alike, to be carried away quickly enough before the crows came in.
After a few days of this, you got used to it; you could get used to anything here. But you could always tell new recruits by the way they covered their mouths and fought down nausea upon seeing the bloated, rotting bodies, picked apart at the flesh.
More crows circled overhead, and Hughes pointed up and remarked, “Must be heading toward the 5th district-I heard they did that one today.”
Roy nodded. “Seems like the only ones profiting from this are the crows.”
“Well, they are smarter than the rest of us,” shrugged Hughes. “We’re fighting a war against an entire race. They hate us because of who we are. And look at that!” He looked up at the birds again. “They don’t care. They eat both of us, Amesterian and Ishbalan alike.”
“What, are you some kind of philosopher now?” Roy shrugged, turning away from the sight.
Hughes only gave a smile. “Nah. It’s just something to think about, is all.”
It was something to think about. The next day as Roy put on his gloves to go into the city and do his duty, he couldn’t help but think it. As he snapped his fingers and sent countless Ishbalans to their deaths, he couldn’t help wonder the same.
Both Amesterian and Ishbalan alike were eaten by the crows. No matter what happened on the battlefield, in death, they were equals.
Day 3 - Mother HenDay 2 - Lovebirds
Day 1 - Even the Bird Hates It