This was the Otakon Saturday FMA photoshoot. BEWARE: IMAGE HEAAAAAAVY!
This guy was wearing a Ed mask. It was awesome.
The way the proposal should have happened.
We did a Hughes funeral.
This Mustang actually proposed to his girlfriend dressed up like Hawkeye (well, I think that's what happened, since they started making out and this was all I got afterwards since it happened so fast). It was adorable.
Ling/Ed fist bumps.
Hughes family portrait.
More Hughes funeral.
Mustang vs Envy. And Hughes.
Scar vs. Winry
Housewife Power!
Hughes' Death.
More Mustang vs. Envy. And Hughes.
This was a must.
People who know me will know why I requested this.
Me and driftwoodwings . I'm the lame one not dressed as Ed.
I am totally editing this and adding music and a discoball.
It was nice seeing all the FMA cosplayer turnout! Thanks everyone for coming and representing FMA!