Oct 10, 2006 23:34

Freaking ey! grr...I'm so confused and unsure and pulling my hair out and why oh why and stuff....

Ok I need help. I'm tired of trying to do it on my own. What do you do when the only guy you have ever loved seriously has a gf???? For weeks after finding myself discovering I was sure it was love rather than a crush, I was heartbroken knowing he had a gf he loved. I mean, should I wait? What???

He smokes, I swore I'd never like a guy that does. He has a beard, also something I swore I would be turned off by. I never liked facial hair on a guy, nor chest hair (not sure if he has that). Yet I find I don't mind.

A quote that struck a cord with me came from Hellboy: You like them for their qualities but love them for their faults.

How much more could this relate to on me? I mean, seriously. But why oh why did he have to have a gf?.....is this some sort of bad karma? Punishment for the past? I need advice! AOL IM me PLEASE! InulovesKago (sn). I need joor help!!
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