Jul 20, 2007 10:42
Hiya peoples. Um. I bought the Monster Rancher 2 ps game from ebay, and it should be coming in today. And I bought both Death Note movies last night, so let's hope they're not illegal bootlegs. ^_^ Jordan Tracee and I are hoping to have a sleepover at Jordan's house and watch them along with Shutter and Acacia. Gotta love those Asian flicks.
I was able to put new shiznit on my Nano. It was kind of funny actually... I put four MAXIMUM THE HORMONE songs, Creep by Radiohead, and a few other angry/depressing songs, and finally I was like, "I NEED HAPPEH" so I looked up DDR... And the only one I recognized was Love Love Shine, so I put that on there. It's a little too happy for me... >.<; But I listen to it sometimes anyway... One and a half minutes is much too long. o_o;
I had a dream about Zac the other night... TT_TT It was a happy dream, but maybe that's why I got sad afterwards. I can't really tell you exactly what happened, it was a little weird... Everything that was happening looked kind of like a Picasso painting. He was going to leave the next day, so I said I'd go over to his house for the night and watch movies and stuff. (It was so ooc because he made absolutely no pervy jokes, LoL) And then we became amazing superheros because we blew up the Westboro (sp? I'm not even sure if that's what it's called, I just remember the 'boro' at the end) Church, and everybody hates them. So we became superheros and crap, and everyone loved us, but his evil parents still made him move. ='[ It was all beautiful or whatever, but I made the dream sound so lame... But hey, who doesn't dream about blowing up that place? =/
Harry Potter thing today. FTW. Imma stay up all night and finish the book, because Eva really wants to read it but I get to first. I don't want her to be rushing me, so I'll just read it overnight. To any normal person who isn't going to wait until midnight to buy it, I congratulate you for not being as nerdy as I. ^-^b
Today's Penguin's birthday, but I haven't talked to him in one day less than a month. T.T I have no idea what happened to him, but I'm really worried...