This is what happens when my internet cuts out.
I've started an Apocalypse Challenge...for fun! See, I was all alone last night and feeling anxious, and so I decided the best thing for my nerves would be to make some sims suffer. And hey, I already made a founder months ago.
His name is DeForest Courage.
He's a super neat, super active but shy Virgo. And a...Fortune sim? In an apocalypse challenge?
Me a few months ago was drunk.
DeForest has come a long way to study here in Strangetown, but he knows it will be worth it. He's always loved the heat! And the scientists here have such unique perspectives on biology.
That's his major, of course. Sure, it's got squat to do with his LTW to become an SCIA agent, but he promised Mum he'd have a backup plan, and doctors make a lot of money. Enough money to give up a dream, perhaps.
Also I've downloaded better hair since I made him, so, you know.
"Superficial changes take the pain away!"
They also attract the ladies.
Katelyn isn't quite what DeForest is looking for in a girlfriend, though. He likes 'em creative and charismatic, and preferably NOT zombies.
She's neither of those things, but at least she's got 'not-actually-brain-dead' working in her favour.
Might be considered an advantage, present company considered.
"Listen up, pinkie. You even think of talking to that cute new dormie guy, and I'll cut you."
"Have we even met? Why are you talking to me like that?"
"I've got more body skill in just this hand than you've got in your entire body. Don't test me."
Wait a minute...these two are Candice and Cadence, from
Apocalypso-A-Go-Go! Fighting over cute new dormie guys since 2006?!
"Vatte sur la core!
Vatte sure la bork!
I do declare that Katelyn is a dork dork dork!"
"Uh...somebody call the burn unit?"
"Katelyn, Katelyn, boooooooo Katelyn! Also wow have you checked out this muscle lately? I am ripped!"
"$@ing cheerleaders! Always taking all the boys, with their cute little uniforms and mind-blowing 10-Body woohoo! Am I such a bad person for wanting a chance?! HUH?!"
"So why don't you go fight the cheerleader then?!"
"Did you not hear 10-Body?"
"Oh yes, I've always felt drawn to the spotlight. I want to be where read-- people can see me, I want to be part of something important. I guess you could say I want a legacy to be proud of."
"Oh, wow! Have you tried community theatre? *munch munch munch*"
"The girls here are totally obsessed with you, man."
"Really? I didn't notice anything like that."
I am forced to take pictures of catty girls instead of my founder, because he's usually too busy being a model student to notice much of anything.
(He's now maxed logic and cleaning)
But even he can't miss a "Secret" Society member wearing their blazer in broad daylight!
"DeForest Courage, I presume? I've heard very much about you."
"Oooh, so you read my paper on alien phylogeny?"
"No, just that you're the most sought-after lay in La Fiesta Tech."
"--I do declare that Katelyn is a dork dork dork!
Katelyn, Katelyn, boooooooo Katelyn!"
"Catchy, isn't it?"
"I think so!"
Ventured to a different lot, and another out-and-proud SS member appears!
"Haha, if you guys aren't careful, I'm going to learn all your 'secrets' just by being on campus!"
"Ahaha! But then we would have to murder you."
This lady --her name is Barbara-- was also on the lot, and I have it on good authority that she too is part of the SS.
"Wow, do you know you're the first Secret Society person I've seen today without the blazer?"
"That's just silly, DeForest. If I was in a Secret Society, wouldn't I have to be some kind of idiot to wear my secret uniform out in public?"
"I don't know..."
"Care to shed some light on that, Sterling?"
"Sigh...if you must know, the Secret Society is becoming less, well, secretive because we are trying to warn people. Do you see the skull on my jacket? That is our signal, and it signifies death. The end is coming, and only we are prepared."
"Oh...and the llama?"
"Not a signal. It's just a noble beast, is all."
Well, DeForest doesn't buy all that junk about the end of the world, but he's heard the Secret Society has come botanical samples to die for. So he keeps in touch.
Really in touch, in some cases.
Okay, for real? This is their second interaction. He chatted to her once on the community lot, then invited her over, and she greets him with a kiss. They only have 2 bolts! Even 3 bolts are usually slower than that!
Evidently I have designed a stud. And it works, because...
Guess who showed up that same night?
"If you're here to kiss me, you can forget it! Now leave before I write your supervisor a strongly worded letter!"
"I'm not here to kiss you, idiot!"
"Really? Huh. Everyone else has wanted to kiss me."
"Whatever you wanna believe, Don Lothario. Now let's keep this civil, okay?"
"First the kisses, then the cuffs, just like they said..."
Obligatory artsy window shot of sim looking guilt-ridden.
Carry on.
"Give 'em hell, Officer."
"Move along, cow. I mean it. I can book you for indecent exposure."
"Oh, hey guys. Gosh, there's a lot of you. What's going on?"
"Guys, did you just undress me and then dress me again in the middle of the street? Guys? Why did you do that?"
"Why did we do that, Sterling?"
"Why for the LULZ, of course!"
And while DeForest lets us know that Barbara is the most attractive woman he's ever seen, she's heart-farting over Sterling.
Sigh. But no matter.
It turned out the botanical samples were interesting after all.
Very interesting.
And we tried getting to know our fellow Society members for awhile...
...but then everyone got trapped in the bathroom.
As you do.
Lots of screaming and stomping later, we just went home.
And didn't find the environment much improved.
At least not until he invited over a friend.
(This is now their third time interacting with each other --they didn't speak at the Society. Oh, and this didn't even give them crush hearts. Friendly!)
Barbara and him got on like a house a fire, obviously.
And one thing led to another.
And another.
"DeForest, this makes me so happy! But what terrible timing to be happy, what with our highly reliable intel that civilization as we know it is going to be blasted into a dystopian zombie wasteland any time now."
"You say silly things! Also, I have this want to woohoo."
"You have such a knack for cheering me up."
And with the post-woohoo AP, we got this Elixir. That's going in the inventory, as one of the 3 things DeForest can bring back to town with him.
At this point I hadn't decided what the third item will be (the second is his diploma), so...
We focused on making friends. The SS may be dumb, but at least you know where to find them.
And they are smart enough to keep their cowplant locked up, so who knows? They might be good connections for a budding young medical student/aspiring super-spy.
He also makes friends with his dormies.
With mixed results.
And some are just a little bitter.
(The cheerleader calls everyday, btw)
DeForest is nothing if not persistent, however. And by the time final exam rolls around, he has all the friends he's gonna need.
"That's a big number!"
That's graduation AP, baby!
And we have our third item!
Commence the graduation party spam!!
At which point I learned that throwing a graduation party automatically kicks them out. Oops. I still had skilling to do, too!
Well, whatever. *confetti*
(It was a Roof Raiser, btw)
"Venkat, I think I must be overheating. I could have sworn I saw DeForest walk out of here in a yoga suit."
"My new clothes are so comfy!"
Well. I guess it could have been worse. There could have been plaid shorts involved.
And so DeForest Courage leaves the little dorm he's called home lo these four years, and takes his first steps into full adulthood. He's summa cum laude, he's engaged, all he could ever want is his for the taking. Life is gonna rock.
Except for...well.
You know.