Title: Home?
Rating: G
Word count: 468
Prompt: Let's conspire to re-ignite
"How was the flight?"
"Where's your family?"
"Lay off him, guys. He just got off a long flight."
Yukimura Seiichi smiled. "It was fine. They're on a later flight, and I can defend myself, Mizu."
Yanagi Mizu blushed. "Sorry." She said, smiling a little as Renji threw his arm around his old friend.
"It's good to see you back."
"Not like it was my choice. Did you find those tests that Seiji needs?" Renji nodded in answer.
Suddenly a little girl jumped on Renji's back and pouted a little. "He didn't come?"
"Ami, what did I tell you?" Renji said as Ami settled herself piggy back style on Renji's back.
"...Not to act insane?"
"Exactly. He didn't come along on this flight though." Seiichi blinked. The girl looked so much like Renji it was scary. Renji smiled a little. "My girl seems to have a crush on your boy, even though she's never met him." Seiichi laughed.
"I see. And your boy?"
"Decided playing tennis with Gennosuke was more entertaining." Renji said.
"I'm sure 'Tarou will meet your son soon enough." Mizu said, pulling Ami off of Renji. "Let's go watch your brother. I'm sure your dad and Seiichi-kun have a lot of catching up to do." Ami still pouted, but went along with her mother.
Seiichi smiled. "So is all your family like that?"
"Only the girls. Mizu's mellowed some though." Renji said, smiling.
"Renji, Mizu used to do the same thing to me." Seiichi said. "I think it was just to make you jealous though." Renji laughed.
"It never worked either. When does their flight arrive?"
"Around 9:00 pm."
"Care to join us for dinner? Mizu enjoys cooking for a crowd."
Dinner at the Yanagi household was something else. The kids helped with what they could, and Renji had managed to invite the Sanadas as well. A crowd was an understatement.
"Together again. It's almost like old times." Mizu said, smiling at the guys, dragging Mika into the kitchen with her after shooing the kids along to do their homework or at least leave the adults alone after dinner was over.
"Almost." Yukimura said quietly.
"Were you really happy?" Renji asked, sipping at some water.
"I was. I did miss you guys though. I never quite found friends as good as you two."
Genichiro looked away, somewhat embarrassed.
"I think our sons will be the same way."
"So do you take back what you said a few years ago?" Renji asked.
Yukimura paused, then smiled. "I think I have to." He raised his glass. "To another generation of demons."
Sanada joined in the toast, not quite sure what they're talking about. Renji smiled. "You'd know what we were talking about if you read your email." Sanada scowled. Yukimura just laughed.
Maybe this was home after all.