The rotational cylinder that my father and I completed has inspired other like minded studies that I have been asked to assist with on summer break. They will be conducted in the laboratory as to not short our neighbor's electricity out of fair courtesy. It will be an internship of sorts, my father has offered to pay for it with a working vacation. He has been contracted to visit an industrial manufacturing company to try and solve a certain difficulty that they are having with viscosity and the printing outputs of a large quantity of ink. We are both sure that it has to do with the chemicals having an early separation and a lack of proper mixing. If that is indeed the case it will be fun to design a solvent or a mixing procedure that will coincide with the use of the product. While I am there I am most likely to be designated as scribe or other menial duties, though I will at least have free time to explore. He will be leaving for the company in China on Wednesday, I think it would be a waste of an opportunity to not go with him. We will return the next week.
There will be a symposium on Electrogravitational Fields in Hawaii the weekend after we return. It will be beneficial to share our findings on the rotational cylinder, I will decline to share whether my prescence shall be there. I would like to have more successful trials with my current variables before I can share my final report. There is also still the time that I need to allot for Nationals training, perhaps I could play Echizen to make sure that I am not out of step. By the way, Echizen, is Hyotei's workout schedule strenuous?
Working alongside both of my parents, my father primarily, has shown me insight on how their life is. Traveling often, learning as well as being offered new challenges everyday is alluring. Every morning holds a new option for something that seems to be a controlled enviroment. I have never held resentment nor envy for the time that this work has taken away from myself and my parents, though I do not think I could handle such a continual, long term separation in my own life. When school starts again it will be time for me to start making such decisions and work to strive for that future.
Would you like to stay over on Monday? It will be the last opportunity for mocha for a while.