Super Lazy Ycon Post

Oct 05, 2008 23:31

So this is going to be like... the lazy version of a con post. I was going to wait and steal some of mustanginblue's pictures, but I figure if I wait any longer, I won't do it at all. Please forgive the jumpiness. I'm all jittery tonight. XD

So, I got to San Fran Thursday night and met up with... lots of people. These are not necessarily in any particular order by the way.

That's most of them, I think.

That's the guy who took our picture who happened to wander down the hallway.

Two of my favoritest people, and hikaru_9.

I totally lost count of how many times I ran into that cat ear guy.

Oh so drunk. :F


mustanginblue! You look so perty with orange tee:F!

Mmmmm.... Nuff said

cryogenia reading the CoE fanfic :F She's an awesome story teller by the way.

Pretty cosplay that is totally worth posting another picture of. crazyloststar and loreamara make amazing Ed and Roy.

crazyloststar does a great Medicom!Ed impression.

sky_dark is a pimp.

IT is Ed!... and Ed!

Apparently, I have found my calling as a director of pronz.

The end T_T

Okay, this is not from my camera, but I feel the need to post it anyway.

It looks like we couldn't decide whether we were doing lapdances or a conga line...

All my Ycon pics

RAR of all my Ycon pics
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