Oct 05, 2003 18:55
Yes, it's been awhile. I'll have to let Em know I've actually updated :p So what have I been doing for the past two months? Well, mainly looking for employment and going on various jobs for employment agencies. I swear there are only two here in Madison that are worth anything. Must be nice to be paid to sit on your ass and not do any work for your workers or your clients. Course I think what pissed me off the most was having work I knew I was perfect for dangled in front of me and then have nothing come of it. I really hated that....
But last week I finally had a break. I interviewed for a legal secretary's job (which I've done several times before) and I left with the same feeling I had for the other two. Then I was called back the next morning and offered the job. I called them back and accepted, not sure when I'll start I have to get out of what I'm doing for the temp agency at the moment. I thought it was ironic that I had more luck looking for a job like that on my own than going through a temp agency. If any of the others call me back I'll let them know I found work while putting an emphasis on the "I DID IT MYSELF" part.
As for the other job I'm doing now; I suppose I could just not show up tomorrow, but that would be toolish. So I'm going to do the honest thing, and if I have to live with the guilt for the rest of the week (since I was just trained there) than so be it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to clean up the crap my roommate's cat threw up in the hallway. God, I'll be glad when I can move again.........