Title: "Koga - I Will Always Know What You Did in The Closet Under The Stairs Last Summer"
Author: Abraxas
Pairing: none
Warning: none?
Genre: crack, parody/spoof
Rated: T to be safe
Words: ~400
Summary: it's a trailer to fic where Naraku traps the gang and forces them to play a game meanwhile Miroku discovers the dreaded, infamous Narakunomicon. And Tygra (from the Thundercats) drops in to die. yeah. it's crack.
"Koga - I Will Always Know What You Did in The Closet Under The Stairs Last Summer" by Abraxas (2009-02-23)
VO: In a world ravaged by war....
Shot: Inuyasha swinging a sword while red cherry blossoms fall like rain.
VO: A group of friends fight the ultimate evil demon!
Shot: (panning) Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Koga.
Cue: a secret, hidden dungeon with skeletons.
Cue: a fire erupts and a vision is transmitted through its flame - Kohaku, strung like a puppet, a hand holding a rod, controlling the jaw.
Naraku: (speaking through Kohaku) Do you like playing games, Kagome?
Koga: (flailing, panicking, smashing stuff around) Oh, god, I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Get me the hell out of this closet. Oh, god, Kagome!
Kagome: I don't understand! What is this? Hojo? What were you doing with those Cowboys and Indians? And what am I supposed to do -
Hojo: (struggling) Don't let - Sesshoumaru - squeezing me into - butt!
Kagome: Oh, god, it's Sesshoumaru's giant dog ass!
Shot: Inuyasha looks away, sickened, as two fuzzy white cheeks squeeze the youth into the crack.
Hojo: (vanishing) I guess you won't be going to the movie -
VO: Amid the chaos a man finds the key to unlock the power of the universe!
Shot: Miroku breaking into a library and wiping off dust that covered a tome.
Koga: (biting nails) Oh, what is that? Miroku! It looks like trouble....
Miroku: (revealing a label: 'DQ'ed by the IYFG's CC') It is - it is the Narakunomicon!
Cue: lightning and a baboon pelt falling.
Koga: Oh, no! (sound and sight of water splashing between the wolf's legs)
Miroku: (vo) It's the Narakunomicon. Of course -
Shot: Inuyasha, eyes glowing like fire.
Shot: Kagome, eyes aiming a bow and arrow.
Shot: Sango covered by baboons.
Shot: Kohaku laughing.
Naraku: (vo) It's called 666 Degrees of Separation. Each of you is connected to me. Each of you's got a deep, dark little secret. Skeletons in your CLOSET, Koga? If you want to see my jewels....
VO: Featuring a very special appearance by Tygra!
Cue: Busts of MummRa falling and killing Tygra.
Inuyasha: He's dead, again!
Miroku: (aiming camera into face) I want to apologize to Sango. And mom...and dad. We're going to die. Because no matter what she says now it is my fault. I needed to find the Narakunomicon. I needed to read it. I needed to re-enact its fetishes!
VO: Coming Summer '09.
This story is not yet screened!