Prov. 31 / Shikon Wish

Aug 17, 2009 12:04

Title: Interview with a Half-Demon
Author: Salome-sensei
Words: 325
Rating: OT for Inuyasha's potty mouth
Universe: Early canon
Summary: The Feudal Inquirer lands an interview with Inuyasha.
Author's Note: Ugh, I ran out of words too soon, but hope it's funny anyhow!

Interview with a Half-Demon
by Feudal Inquirer Staff Writer, Bakayarou Hideo

Few of us have the opportunity to know those of the demonic persuasion. Often found terrorizing the countryside, ravaging womenfolk, and lopping off heads, they're rarely known for the sensitive beings they are. Recently, I spent a few privileged moments with the half-demon Inuyasha. I think we can all learn from his inspiring words.

Bakayarou: Inuyasha-sama, many fear and loathe your kind. What would you say to help them overcome their prejudices?

Inuyasha: Idiots! I don't care what the hell they think! Let 'em all taste my Wind Scar and kiss my hanyou ass!

Bakayarou: You and your companions are on a mission to retrieve the shards of the legendary Shikon Jewel. What's that like?

Inuyasha: It's great when you get to slaughter these puffed up, shard-fueled morons, but waiting for the next battle is so boring. The wenches never stop talking, the monk keeps trying to show me scrolls with pictures of naked boys, and when I relieve a little frustration by kicking the kitsune around, they freak out.

Bakayarou: What of your primary nemesis, Naraku-sama? He's hanyou like you, right?

Inuyasha: Hey jerk, I'm nothing like Naraku! He's disgusting. He smells like rotten fishcakes and when he touches you the stink doesn't come off for a month! I can't wait to see his face when I have all the shards and he's crying like a baby!

Bakayarou: I know you're a busy adventurer, so just one more question, please. Legend says that he who possesses the Jewel may make a wish on it. In a separate interview, your half-brother Sesshoumaru-sama recently told us that you long to be youkai like him. Is that so?

Inuyasha: Keh! That stuck-up prick doesn't know shit! If I had one wish? I'd live alone in the mountains with an unending supply of ninja food and never have to talk to dumbasses like you or Sesshoumaru again!


prov 31, salomesensei

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