Mod Post

Jul 19, 2009 15:46

Hey All,

Just dropping in for a friendly reminder of the community rules.

This is an all pairings, all ratings group. We gladly welcome each and every entry submitted, so long as it is humorous in nature.

Comedy writing is a very subjective thing. Not everyone finds the same things funny, and even the best written entries can fall flat for some readers purely because of one's taste.

Here at inucomedyclub, we respect all of our authors for their pairing choices and comedic attempts.

Speaking of respect, I do need to remind everyone that all entries require proper labeling, including character pairings and warnings in the header for things that may squick or otherwise offend a reader. This allows our members to skip over entries that may upset or confuse them, or just plain take the fun out of this group. As the mod of this fun comm, I can't let my members be upset by something they have read here.

As a refresher, here is the basic header information that should precede each entry (you are always welcome to add more though):

Title: Obvious
Author/Artist: Again
Rating: G/PG/PG13/R/NC-17 or Teen/Adult/Mature Something to give a heads up to the content inside
AU/CU (for fics): Some people do not like AU settings and would prefer to avoid them
Word Count (for fics): Obvious
Warnings/Spoilers/Work Safe?: This is more difficult to govern, and requires a bit of judgement on the author/artist's part. This is where you should let everyone know what types of things can be found inside that may make them choose to skip over. Not including proper warnings takes this choice away from our readers, which can be very upsetting in certain situations.

Things that many people might prefer a warning for:

Adult Content
Original Characters
Series Spoilers

...and the list goes on. If you are unsure, it would be better to ere on the side of caution and stick a warning up. We all need to respect one another, and that includes giving people the option to avoid possibly offensive material.

In return for this courtesy, I ask the readers to read the entry headers and avoid entries they know they will not enjoy. If Crack!fic bothers you and an entry is thus labeled, then please respect the author and let them write what they enjoy without guilt. We're all here to have our fun.

I applaud the maturity that has been displayed thus far, and wish for everyone to continue enjoying their time here. Thanks for making this group such a fun place! :D

Also, sorry for the long mod post! XD

Much love,


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