Title: Dear Moderator
Author: Sensei
Prompt: Revisit (33 - Breaking the Fourth Wall)
Words: 370
Rating: MA
Characters: Naraku
Genre: Grudgewank
Summary: Naraku Writes a letter to the Moderator of
Warnings: Foul language, reference to tentacle raep.
Dear Moderator of the Livejournal Community "Inucomedyclub":
It has recently come to my attention that a certain writer, one so-called Sensei, has been circulating grotesquely offensive, occasionally obscene, and most certainly libelous material about me. Not only trifling but lampooning one of my magnificence and power (not to mention sex appeal) is no small matter. From inanity to insult, this individual obviously has a death wish, and this community's encouragement of her slander will not go unanswered. (Yes, I have noted well each and every username and chuckle, every hint of praise and ill-wish upon my person.) As if I would ever, in any incarnation, be reduced to such circumstances as lower-level management! As if I cannot get dozens of women to impale on my luscious tentacles-one at a time or all together! As if I would ever be reincarnated as a woman! And a crack whore? What sort of pathetic wish fulfillment does this "Sensei" suffer from?
Delusions of grandeur on her part, most certainly. I begin to wonder if this writer (should we deign to call her such) is some incarnation of that first bitch to ever do me wrong, Kikyou. From failed priestess to failed author, it's certainly likely. I mean, "fanfiction"? Come on. I certainly get why she'd be a "fan," but her fictions are unimaginative, unfunny, and unworthy of the pitiful attention they are receiving here at your online establishment.
I'm tempted to call this individual (as well as Kikyou herself) a frustrated feminazi lesbo who just needs a good tentacle fuck, but my lawyer advises I refrain and retain the high ground.
Please accept this letter as notice that I have informed the "abuse team" at Livejournal of your poor judgment in not banning this Kikyou/Sensei for obvious trolling to get my attention and clear evidence of grudgewank. I may follow this with a lawsuit against the individual concerned, which is even more reason for you to distance yourself by banning her from this otherwise occasionally amusing community (I like the ones where Kagome's breasts are exposed or when Inuyasha injures himself especially).
Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter.
Sincerely and with Malice Aforethought,
The One and Only Naraku