Poll Results

Feb 17, 2010 17:44

Out of 102 members, we had 14 take part in the poll.

2 of the 14 are readers only.

5 have been too busy with other projects and/or RL to write for the group.

2 have not been inspired by the prompts

2 are not really writing for Inuyasha anymore in general.

There were a few comments that have given me some ideas for change. I will think on them and come back to you in the next few weeks with my decisions.

I'm not trying to berate anyone or guilt anyone into participating. I am just genuinely curious to know why we are getting so few entries lately. Obviously, if there are things I can change to make it better, I will.

As for the prompts, I promise there is an assortment of fun prompts in store for the group. Inspiration is inspiration, but we have had a good number of prompts that should have been fairly easy, and yet still turned up nothing. I'm kind of at a loss in that sense, and so have decided to just continue forward with the list I had created and hope for the best. Many of these have been suggestions from this very group, so it's really mind boggling. But I've wittered enough.

Provocation 42: High School Drama
Word Count: Open
Due: Sunday February 28th by 10PM EST

Here's hoping we get a few this time. :)


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