Prov 40 - Prank - "Fast Like A Ninja

Jan 21, 2010 12:56

Title: Fast Like A Ninja

Author: enemytosleep

Word Count: 430
Rating: G
Characters: Sango, Kagome, Shippou, Miroku
Summary: Kagome witnesses ancient Japanese martial arts first hand.

Warnings: Japanese people do strange things
Notes: Not for vote, just for fun

It had been a long afternoon of hard travel. The sun had beat down on them, hot and heavy, wearing them out far faster than usual. They also had battled against rolling hill after rolling hill, and just when Kagome was sure that she could not push her bicycle up even just one more incline, they had reached the crest of the hill and spied a village in its valley.

Now the group lounged in the headman's house, fed and watered and a bit more rested. Inuyasha had soon left after eating, as he often did. He never seemed comfortable inside, preferring to perch on top the roof instead. No one bothered to stop him anymore. It was far easier to let him go.

Sango had settled and was cleaning her weapon, while Miroku sat back and watched her. Kagome tried her best to catch up on her geometry homework, but was finding it difficult to concentrate. Whether it was the exhaustion or something else, she couldn't really say, only that her heart wasn't in it at all and the numbers and angles were all a blur.

Shippou had disappeared a short while ago with a group of small boys that had been playing in the streets. It wasn't often the kit got to run and play, and so seeing his face light up upon spying the boys had made Kagome's heart feel lighter. Shippou would be so happy when he came back.

They sat quietly for some time, Sango removing her armor and polishing it piece by piece. To Miroku's visible disappointment, she managed to do this without removing her kimono. Kagome eventually gave up on the homework and packed it back into her bag. Maybe she could get Inuyasha to go for a walk with her or something?

Before Kagome could say anything, Sango looked up from her work and turned to the others. "Do you think we should fetch Inuyasha and Shippou soon? We did promise the headman to investigate the pillaging of the storehouses."

That was true, they should probably do that.

Miroku said, "I agree. I'll go find Inuyasha," and then stood up, bending over to retrieve his staff.

Out of nowhere, a streak of green fabric and auburn fur came flying with the call of, "Kancho!"

Miroku bellowed and grabbed his rear, and the then flash of fur and flying index fingers was gone before anyone could react further, though the laughter outside indicated that the group of boys from earlier had something to do with this.

Kagome was gobsmacked that boys did that even now, 500 years in the past!


Learn more about the art of Kancho from the master himself, Sensei Flower.

enemytosleep, prov 40

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