Prov. 38 - 'Tis the Season

Jan 02, 2010 23:57

Title: …So Delightful.
Author: Sun
Prompt: ‘Tis the Season
Rating: Mature
Genre: AU, Comedy, sliiiiiiiiiiight Smut
Word Count: 250
Summary: A very disgruntled Inuyasha has, once again, been left out of the loop.
Warnings: Some sexual *cough*yaoi*cough* references here. Yes, we all know that Sun’s a perv. If you don’t - you’ll soon find out, lol.

Kouga moaned against Sesshomaru’s mouth. However, try as he might, he just couldn’t ignore that Godforsaken banging from downstairs! Rolling his eyes, he reluctantly pulled away from his inu lover. “I-I’m sorry, Sesshy-hun,” he murmured, “but I just can’t continue until he ceases that damnable racket downstairs!”

The banging stopped; muffled shouting was all that met the renewed silence. All he and Sesshomaru had been lounging about in all day were their boxers, but he knew that his lover’s younger sibling was, both fortunately and unfortunately, not a fan of them.

This was unfortunate, Kouga mused as he lumbered toward the window, because Inuyasha had decided that morning that, since his brother and “his brother’s bitch” were running around nearly butt-naked, then he would as well.

Kouga slid the window up, exposing himself and the room to the chill of the first snowfall of the season; he smirked at the sight below. This was what made the fact that Inuyasha wore briefs instead of boxer shorts fortunate - the couple could just throw him out, lock the door, and enjoy watching him damn near freeze.

“Kouga! You flea-bitten turd! Open the damn door!”

Grinning, the ookami called back down, “Sorry, Dog-Shit - Sesshy-kun accidentally swallowed the house key instead of the one to our fuzzy handcuffs!” Barely stifling a laugh, Kouga added, “The locksmith should be on his way!”

Inuyasha cursed again as Kouga shut the window; “You don’t need a damn locksmith to open it from the inside, dammit! Fucking wolf!”

sunsingergirl, prov 38

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