Prov. 38: 'Tis the Season

Jan 02, 2010 11:35

Title: Naraku's Holiday Spirit
Author: Sensei
Words: 175
Rating: G
Universe: Contemporary Era
Summary: Naraku is mightily displeased. So what else is new?
Author's Note: HAPPY 2010 ICC!

Naraku glowered at the light coming off the screen. He still hadn't become fully accustomed to life in the modern era, especially the difference between holding a brush and gracefully crafting kanji and typing on a keyboard. All the clacking and clicking was distasteful to his reincarnated senses. But this? This site wherein any foolish semi-sentient mortal could compose the grotesque fantasy called "fanfic" and render him a buffoon for millions to read? He let his eyes skim over a dreadful mess entitled "'Tis the Season" by one arrogant enough to call herself simply "Sensei," wherein he was dressed up as Santa Claus and gleefully giving gifts to children worldwide. True, he was giving rat carcasses and poisoned perfume, but still… Such disrespect could not stand. He raised a slender finger with elegant poise and directed his powerful jyaki at the monitor, which exploded in a pleasing spray of sparks. "Ah, that's better," said the hanyou.

Kagura rolled her crimson eyes skyward. "Haven't I told you a thousand times the internet doesn't work that way?"


salomesensei, prov 38

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