Mod Post

Dec 19, 2009 21:34

Hi All,

Sorry for all of the changes the last few months (look, a new layout...again XD). First I was leaving and now Sunset is bowing out...we will get this group into shape!

Anyway, I am now back and I have a vile henchman new co-mod, sunsingergirl. Let's all give her some love for offering to help me out with the running of ICC. I've been a busy bee in RL and am very appreciative of her help.

There will be some changes in the way this group conducts business that I will post about with the next provocation. Nothing too dramatic, and it will hopefully make it easier for everyone to find time to participate and spread the laughter. Keep your holiday drabbles coming! 250 words by January 3rd. You can do it!

Lastly, everyone please show your love to Sunset Miko as she battles with her pregnancy and other RL issues. She was this group's founder, and without her we wouldn't have this little corner of LJ to play in.

Thanks guys!

Enemy AKA mod-sama

mod, prov 38, reminder

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