Prov 32 || Shippou

Sep 06, 2009 11:55

Title: How Do You Get Someone to Love You?
Author: Sensei
Words: 450
Rating: T
Characters: Shippou, Inu-tachi, and guest appearance by Toutousai
Summary: Shippou seeks advice on finding love.
Warnings: Toutousai is a dirty old man (but I promise he doesn't touch Shippo and it's truly T-rated).
Author's Note: I am extremely grateful to knittingknots for wisely counseling me to bring Toutousai into the story's conclusion as you see him.

As the first spring flowers began to bloom, Shippou resolved that by summer's peak, he would find love. To improve his chances, he sought advice.

"How do you get someone to love you?" he asked Inuyasha. Kagome loved him. Was it for his courage, his toughness, his ears?

"Keh! Wha'd'ya wanna bother with that nonsense for?" replied Inuyasha. Shippou sighed, nursing the bump on his head, and walked sadly away.

"How do you get someone to love you?" he asked Sango. Miroku loved her. Was it for her beauty, her strength, her kindness?

"Little kit, until my family is avenged, I have no time for love," replied Sango. Shippou sighed, nodding sympathetically, and walked sadly away.

"How do you get someone to love you?" he asked Kagome. Kouga pursued her eagerly. Was it for her warmth, her determination, her gentleness?

"Oh Shippou, there will be time for love when you're older," replied Kagome. Shippou sighed, let her nuzzle him a moment, and walked sadly away.

"How do you get someone to love you?" he asked Miroku. Women in every village they visited adored the monk. Was it for his smooth tongue, his spiritual abilities, his twinkling eyes?

"Ah pup, when the time is right, you'll know," replied Miroku. Shippou sighed, shrugging, and walked sadly away.

After such disappointment, Shippou put away his question for a time. But when Inuyasha had to visit Toutousai to repair Tessaiga, Shippou begged to come along. Surely the long-lived swordsmith would give wise counsel.

After promising to stay out of Inuyasha's way, the two set forth, and soon found themselves at his cave. From inside came the sound of giggles, sighs, and splashing water. Inuyasha groaned and said he'd wait until the "old lecher" was done, but Shippou's heart told him he the answers he needed were within.

Toutousai beckoned him warmly. Shippou could see little in the darkness but entered and bravely asked, "Toutousai, how do you get someone to love you?"

The old man cackled merrily, and Shippou's jaw dropped as his eyes adjusted and he beheld the spectacle of the spindly geezer in his bath, draped with six naked young and comely women.

"Good question," Toutousai began, tapping his chin. Then he pointed. "This one likes to massage my scalp. This one likes it when I read her naughty poetry. This one likes to suck on my toes. This one-"

But Shippou heard no more, running as fast as his little legs would carry him, out of the cave, past Inuyasha, and all the way back to camp, where he dug a little makeshift den by the roots of a massive oak and cowered, determined never to think of love again.


salomesensei, prov 32

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