Jun 26, 2013 23:15
Honestly? I don't have much time to actually use my livejournal. I'm not motivated enough to update my damn xanga lately, and that's something. Originally, this stupid thing was going to be a way of saving all of my damn xanga posts throughout the years (since it's, well, xanga) but...
Pfft. I'm in college, you assholes. Time? Sleep? Time to sleep? HAAAAA no. But a damn lot of people seem to be migrating here, so... Enter a way to get into some posts... and their exclusively LJ fanfiction.
...and I just realized what a damn horror show my 2006 posts are. Shit, man. Horrified, I just made the lot of them (all 4, snicker) private just for me to see. I don't have the heart to kill 'em.
So, on top of this, I'm going to go and post my fanfiction.net profile with the places to actually find me (sans xanga, fuck no. DLP already tried to roast me on a spit when I joined a few years back. The douchebags actually looked me up and found the xanga).
Right. Well. This LJ layout is embarrassing but hell if I know how to change it. Derp derp. Sorry all.