Jan 28, 2011 22:41
I probably won't be updating on here as much as I used to (hah, as if I updated every day or something as is XD). Not only am I more busy now and pretty much have almost no life now, I just don't feel as personal to my LJ as I used to. I've grown more and more attached to DeviantArt and I'm going to try and make it a habit to go on Facebook as much as possible since more friends go on there more often than on LJ and MSN.
First priority, though, will be school and work for the next couple of months (for work probably just for 3 months and school, until the end of May). It bums me out cause not only will I have less time to talk to friends and such, it'll also get in the way of working on my new project. Oh well, I'll try my best on it still.
For now, ta ta. Will be missing all. Maybe with time, I'll miss LJ and come back to it once more. But for now, my journals will be mostly limited and located at DA for a while.