Feb 09, 2007 14:37
[ ] You own over 10 bottles of nail polish =she owns 1, black=
[ ] You own a designer purse =no?=
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60 =manda, perfume no=
[ X] You have (have had) fake nails
[ ] You have more body/hair products than you can use
[ ] Your pet is a chihuahua/Pomeranian/Siamese/Min Pin/Puggle
[ X] You have clothes/shoes/accessories for your pet = a hat >_> shh=
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp.
[ X] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper.
[ ] A pink comforter, walls or sheets.
Total: 3
Do you:
[ ] Spend more time at the mall than you do at home/work
[X] Have a hair color that is not natural
[X] Have "blonde moments" at least once a day
[X] Buy stuff because it's awesome and then never wear it
[X] Constantly keep your phone at your side
[X] Dance around in your room when nobody else is home
[ ] Have a name for your car
[ ] Know what celebrity is dating who and who broke up this week
[ ] Refuse to go out in public without makeup
[ ] Prefer to be called "princess"
Total: 6
[] Makeup
[ ] Glitter
[ ] The color pink
[] shopping
[x] Jewelry =chains=
[ ] Mirrors
[] Chick flicks ... Adore.. no like yes
[ ] Shoes
[X] Rainbows GAY!
[] Unicorns
[X] Disney Movies
[X] Candles
[] Flowers
[x ] Stuffed Animals
[ ] Purses
Total: 5
[ ] supre
[ ] bardot
[ ] myer
[ ] mischeif
[ ] dotti
[ ] mossimo
[ ] country road
[] fcuk
[ ] gasp
[ ] dangerfield
[ ] bras n things
[ ] chain reaction
Total: 0 eh>?
[X] Bitch
[X] Whatever
[ ] Oh my gosh
[X] Hun
[ x] Fugly
[ x] That's hot
[ ] Dunzo
[ ] Darling
[ ] Psh
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hottie
[x ] Totally
[ ] For Sure
[ ] Fabulous
Total: 4 =she thinks she says them in more of a sarcastic manner tho'
Do You Religiously Read:
[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Elle
[ ] Vogue
[ ] People
[ ] Us Weekly
[ ] Star
[ ] Self
[ ] PerezHilton.com
[ ] Dlisted.com
[ ] 17online.com
[ ] people.com
[ ] usmagazine.com
[ ] popsugar.com
Total: 0
Have You Seen:
[X] Legally Blonde
[x ] Elizabethtown
[X] Mean Girls
[ ] Now & Then
[x] The Notebook
[x ] A Walk to Remember
[X] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[ ] Just my luck
[] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Centerstage
[X] Bring it On
[X] How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[] Mona Lisa Smile
[ ] My Girl
Total: 8
Are you Addicted to...
[ ] America's next top model
[ ] Project runway
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Sex & the city
[ ] Grey's Anatomy
[ ] The O.C.
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
total: 0
COUNT UP HOW MANY YOU CHECKED AND MULTIPY BY 2 - That's your girly percentage!
winkey R calc ..52% girl YESH~!
why don't people like HOCKEY!
There is a women's hockey SMU vs DAL GAME TONIGHT AND I WANT TO GOOOO but not alone >_>
common people be a stereotypical canadian with me! RAH! HOCKEY RAH!
and i'm sick
deathly ill >_>
but i will still
go to that