Title: Nightmare. Realization. Acceptance
Immortelle Stalker //
sixthwinemaidenPairing: Inu/Kai
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Drama
Summary: Kaidoh is always alone, and there are tough times that he can endure by himself. But somewhere in his mind, he can't help but wish for someone who can accept him as he is.
Acknowledgement: I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Helen-chan/
disutansu for taking time to read the FF.net version of this fic and for encouraging me to continue where I left off. And a general thank you as well for consistently reading and leaving comments on my other fics. And lastly, for the comments that you leave on almost all of my journal entries, even the RL ones, thank you very much! I really appreciate them! *hugs you!*
Of course, thank you for those who also read my other fics, especially the consistent ones! *gives LOVE*
Author's Thoughts: This is actually my second PoT fic, but this is also my first attempt in writing shounen-ai, so forgive me if it is not all that. I posted this months ago in Fanfiction dot Net and currently it has two out of three chapters. Months have passed and I eventually got eaten by schoolwork, thus the reason why it doesn't have a third chapter, which is ironically the last one. Also, I ran out of ideas on how to conclude the story. But thanks to Helen-chan, I found the motivation to re-think this story and finish it. I'm still in the process of writing the concluding chapter, but all is great! And I proofread this more carefully and revised some sentences a bit, so I guess the one posted here is the second edition of sorts. LOL.
Oh well, enough with the blabber already. Hope you like this! Comments are always appreciated with a smile! ^__^
Chapter One: Nightmare )
x-posted to
inu_kai potfics and