Ahh... *insert title*

Sep 21, 2010 23:56

Felt like writing/posting something up. Hmm, maybe an introduction and what's to come? haha. ^^

Well, I like to write, so that's one of the many things in the introduction, haha. The things I mostly will be writing is of course fanfictions, one specific type/pairing to say the least. So Nyuh Shi Dae's Seohyun and Super Junior's Kyuhyun. My major OTP and will never change, so the majority of the fanfictions I would probably post up will be of those two. =P And would also be the Super Generation couple's, har har har.

I'm not quite sure if the people that read the Drunk fanfiction (thank you for reading it) are from the forum, Soshified. If anyone was, I post there as well, under Jinkuu, lol. ^^ (Different username for LJ, haha). So hey-o to the soshi-peeps that read my one-shots there and sorry if I might be re-posting the stuff on live journal. I'm sure you guys won't mind reading the stuff over, ey? xP

Aside from that, I like to draw, not as good but yeah, drawing, lol. Doodles and such, maybe I could post them here as well? ^^ I've got a deviant art account but I barely post there anymore... I do browse there, sometimes hoping it would have some fanfictions too, haha. I love reading fanfictions though, especially good ones and ones that are lengthy, but one's that are too lengthy, I would get tired of...

I guess that goes well for introductions right? Lol, I don't know what else to say... Anyway, talk about school hm?

School is going well. Classes are very fast paced so I'm trying to get a hang of that compared to how high school was, lol. Sociology is still boring, I wanted to fall asleep so badly today it wasn't even funny. Actually, I was barely paying attention to what was even happening in that class... My mind kept wandering and I was just doodling away, such a bad student. XD;

I also feel kind of bad for my classmates in English... We had to write a "draft" and print out extra copies (3) for "peer editing"... Welp, we had the weekend to do the paper and me being lazy, I had stayed up to two in the morning the night before to write the paper... Didn't happen to finish so I woke up extra early to try and finish it the day of, finished it an hour before the class began. And I can say, the paper makes absolutely NO SENSE. I feel so bad for my classmates that had to read it. T.T I could have wrote better but with assignments like these, it's so hard to write for it, if that makes any sense, haha... They probably think it's the most shittiest thing ever, oh God. XD; I hope I don't get slaughtered verbally, lol.

Anyway, besides me trying to stay awake in Sociology and feeling bad for my classmates in English, my other three classes are quite well. My math teacher I still feel is too passionate (I don't pay attention in that class either...), Introduction to Music, the classroom is so cold (I need to bring a jacket and get hot chocolate before the class...), and my Chinese class is well.

Pushing school aside, fanfictions!

I haven't exactly had the time to get down and write a few but idea's have been popping in my head and I'm kind of embarrassed to say, they will be kind of Rated, like NC-17 type of thing. >.< Like... smut... horrible, fail, smut.

And actually, I've been penning the beginning of the story or had it running through my mind while in class, Math (cause it was boring) and my Music class (it was cold and I needed to write to warm myself, lol)...

But beside the rated fanfictions, I have other idea's that aren't like that but are perverted 'cause you need a little perverted-ness in the story to make it go along (lol, not really but still).

So here are some summaries of the idea's?

Title: Subway-Bus Buddies [PG-13]

Title: Massage [R/NC-17]
Summary: Seohyun talks to her boyfriend, Kyuhyun, about her giving a piggy-back ride to Yonghwa on We Got Married which somehow ends up getting a bit heated...

Title: Pool [R/NC-17]
Summary: So Nyuh Shi Dae's innocent maknae, Seohyun, is not so innocent when it comes to her boyfriend, Super Junior's Kyuhyun...

I am also kind of debating for the rated stuff if I should make it friend's only or have it restricted so only "adults" can read it... I know for sure, most of the people are not "adults" yet so I'm debating a bit. I might make it friend's only but hmm. I'll get to that later. =P

So, er, yeah, those are some of the stuff I might be posting up soon-ish (maybe one of them during the weekend). I might also be posting up some from what I had already posted on Soshified (hope you don't mind, lol). So, keep a look out for it! Haha, but just an advance notice, smut is defiantly not my strong point 'cause well... yeah... haha. So I apologize in advance for that (like what?) so excuse that and hopefully "enjoy" the fanfiction, LOL.

Alright, now I have to get back to my homework, peace out! Post later this weekend (maybe), haha. ^^

school, pairing: super generation, pairing: [kyuhyun/seohyun]

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